Ghosting the Hero

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Book: Read Ghosting the Hero for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Adult, Space Opera
dining hall.
    She sat in one of the comfortable conversation chairs while M’rin went for a pitcher of water. M’rin poured for her and handed her the first glass of the pitcher.
    “He did well. The other students are trying to get techniques out of him.”
    Simry didn’t need to be told; she could see the cluster of new and old massage-class students surrounding N’kad. The women were asking him to demonstrate the techniques he had used on Simry’s hands and the men were taking notes.
    “So, M’rin, do all the students in your class do it to try and get laid?”
    M’rin poured her own water and she sat back. “About ninety percent of them, yes.”
    “Where do you think N’kad weighs in? Is he in the ninety percent or the ten?”
    “I would say he is one of a kind. He wants to relieve your pain so that you will be amenable to him trying to get laid.”
    Simry sighed and closed her eyes. “Well, he does have wonderful hands.”
    M’rin chuckled. “Good. I think he is ready to ask you.”
    She opened one eye. “What?”
    “To join him in the Sector Guard. I have heard the rumors that Fixer has made a custom couch for you in one of the shuttles and a suit has been crafted with your name on it.”
    Simry opened her other eye. “You have to be kidding. I am not suited for fieldwork. All of my medical scans say so.”
    M’rin shrugged. “Not for solo work, but with the right partner, I think that Reset might be willing to sign off on you. I mean, providing that your new partner can take care of you while in the field.”
    Simry looked over to N’kad. “So, I am being drafted?”
    “That is what it looks like from here. Drink your water, Guardsman.”
    She lifted the glass to her lips and swallowed hard. She had dreamed of a life on active duty, but now, it seemed to be rushing up without her seeking it. Of course, that was just supposition. Until N’kad asked her, she was just a living ghost of the Citadel.
    A knock on her door woke her at dawn. Simry grabbed a robe and stumbled to her door. She blinked when she saw N’kad in the security screen.
    She pulled the door open and squinted up at him. “What?”
    “I would like you to be my partner in the Sector Guard.” He took one of her hands, but his lips were twitching in amusement. “Though, now, I am having second thoughts. You in the mornings is something I was not prepared for.”
    She wrinkled her nose. “Not everybody wakes up pretty.”
    “You are adorable; you just look like something large was licking the back of your head as you slept.” He reached out and smoothed her hair.
    “Come in and I will make some tea.”
    “You might want to start with caf and work up from there.”
    She squeezed his hand and released it, walking to her dispenser and ordering caf. “Mornings are hard.”
    He laughed and walked into her room, straightening her bed and tidying her pillows.
    She retrieved the cup and ordered a pot of tea, stumbling through her room and sitting at her table inviting him with a wave. “You can sit or rifle through my stuff. It is your choice.”
    He walked over to her but then the tea chimed. He retrieved it and set it down on the table. “I will opt for both. I will have tea, and then, I will rifle through your things. You have been inside my mind; I just need to learn about you.”
    “Am I having a weird dream or did you ask me to be your partner?”
    “You are not dreaming. I did ask you. I have intended to for a week, but I wanted to make sure that we were progressing as companions before I pushed to partners.”
    “What makes you think that I will get authorization to be a Guardsman? I have been rejected from all off-world assignments until now.”
    “They want me as a Guardsman and I want you as my partner, so I have learned what is necessary to keep you maintained during an assignment. Reset will be the final judge, but I believe that I have done well in my pursuit of your safety.”
    She slurped at the caf until the

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