and crossed to him. A fierce need to cradle him, comfort him, spread through her chest. She touched his cheek, before fitting her hand against his jaw. He visibly jerked, surprise registered in his clouded eyes.
“Oh, my God. I didn’t think you were real.” He swooped in to gather her close. She immediately tucked her face against his neck. His body shuddered against hers, a quiet sob splitting the air as he tightened his arms around her waist. “I was just thinking about you the other day. Wondering how you were doing. I have no idea why I did or why you’re here, but I’m glad you came, Grae.”
Even though she was pleased to know he’d been thinking about her, Grae could hear the strain in his voice. This wasn’t someone upset or having a bad day. Boyce’s problems ran deeper. And if Boyce was still anything like he was in college, he wanted to handle his problems in silence. No matter how many people offered to help. But one thing stood out in her mind the most—the men needed to deal with whatever was happening on their own.
Without her interference.
“I should get going. I just thought I’d—”
Boyce set his hand on her shoulder, his eyes flashing clear in the blink of an eye. The haggard and worn expression was gone, replaced with the clear radiance of command. “Sit.”
Holy shit .
The charged note to the single word left no doubt that these guys really had grown up. In all the right ways. Nothing she hadn’t already known, but seeing it live in person, experiencing it, was an entirely different story.
“I didn’t mean to intrude on your weekend, or wake you up—” She snapped her mouth shut when Boyce brought his face level with hers.
The iciness of his blue eyes sharpened, honing in on her. “We’re only tired because Saint felt the need to remind me his smart mouth is also pretty damn skilled. And I, of course, couldn’t be outdone.”
Grae felt her cheeks flush from the look the two men exchanged, both in embarrassment and arousal. Boyce was tired all right. Tired for all the right reasons. Damn. She’d read every single one of Saint’s signals incorrectly. The two men had obviously dealt with the incident and moved on.
She really had been a fool to throw her life into a tailspin simply because of what she’d seen on the video. Tracking them down. Coming here. It had all been a mistake. A total, utter fail. Just stamp loser on her forehead. They were perfectly fine without her. No reason to complicate things. To confess the true motive that brought her to their doorstep. The one she couldn’t work out in her head.
“I really should be going.”
Boyce captured her chin, forcing her to look at him again. “You can’t pop out of the woodwork and expect to leave so soon. I can’t speak for Saint, but I sure as hell am not about to let you walk about of here without filing us in on all the juicy details of your life.”
Saint came to stand next to her. A warm shimmer spread through her when he set his chin on her shoulder. “I’m looking forward to hearing it as well. As soon as we break out the tequila and order pizza for dinner. Mushroom and anchovies, right?”
They really weren’t going to take no for an answer. In a way it warmed her through and through. Made her feel as though she hadn’t wasted her time. But it also pained her. She missed this. Missed them. Missed the easy byplay they’d shared in college. How they’d counted on one another through the good and bad. The feelings warring deep inside her, reminded her she spent far too much time in front of the computer working and not enough time living. She was here to spend some time with them, so why not do just that?
“I’ll stay on one condition.”
“Name it,” Boyce stated easily.
“Only if you guys have Killer Amazons from Mars .”
Saint grinned. “In hi-def glory.”
Five hours later, Grae’s belly was full, and her entire body was warm. As though she’d been coated with a layer
Angela B. Macala-Guajardo