Gathering Storm

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Book: Read Gathering Storm for Free Online
Authors: Victoria Danann
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Vampires
occupied, Storm called Glen and explained the situation.
    “I don’t have to tell you
that this is FYI. She appears to be maturing about six months every
day. If this continues, she’ll be grown in a month.”
    “Yeah. Exactly. Here’s the
thing. It’s priority organization time and she’s my priority. I’m
not going to miss being here while she grows up. So here’s what I’m
going to do. I’ll get Deliverance to bring me to lunch every day at
one and pick me up at two. If you need to bounce something off me,
or run it by me, you’ll get an hour a day. Can you handle
    “I think so. If a decision
had to be made that I didn’t feel good about making on my own, I
could get you on the phone. Right?”
    “Absolutely, but highly unlikely. You’ve got
instincts that work overtime. I should probably call you with my
parenting questions.”
    Glen laughed. “No, sir.
Jefferson Unit’s not that hard to manage, but I’m not taking
responsibility for that baby.”
    Litha padded into the kitchen barefoot
carrying a clean, happy toddler on her hip. Storm relayed his
decision and his conversation with Glen.
    “Can we arrange her
schedule so that she’s napping then? At least for the first couple
of days? If the pattern holds true, I’m guessing she’ll be too old
for naps by the end of the week.”
    The wave of sadness that came over Litha’s
face made his stomach clench.
    “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
    He moved toward her with a
purposeful determination that never failed to make her glad that
Storm was her man. Fearlessness.
    Putting his arms around both his girls, he
kissed Litha’s temple. “Baby, which thing do you think was the
biggest clue that we weren’t candidates for an ordinary life:
    “A. The fact that you’re a
    “B. The fact that you’re a
demon’s daughter?
    “C. The fact that you’re a
    “Or D. the fact that I’m a
vampire hunter who’s also part demon?’
    That earned him a
tentative smile. “We knew we signed on for an adventure. This is
just part of it.”
    He turned her to face him
and ducked down so he could look directly into her eyes.
    “I wouldn’t trade us for anything else. You know
that. Right?” She nodded, trying to hide a misty sniffle. “We’re
going to make every minute count. I’m still going to get to teach
her to ride a bike. Even if I have to do it quick.”
    Litha cocked her head to
the side. “That’s the second time you’ve mentioned
    “Is it?”
    “Yes. Is there a reason why?”
    “Was a good memory for me.
My dad out in the street in front of our house, full of
encouragement. I guess I want to recreate it. Who taught
    “Brother Morrighausey.”
She laughed. “He was probably the last person in the world who
ought to be teaching a coordination skill. He knew seven ancient
languages but could barely walk without tripping.”
    Rosie laughed out loud, mimicking her
mother, then said, “Maury!”
    Litha gave Rosie a strange
look. “Yeah. That’s what we called him. And he was funny.”
    Rosie hiccupped another little giggle.


    Elora saw Monq’s profile
pic come to the face of her phone, the ridiculous one with the
mouse ears. She was en route to S2, where Monq’s research
facilities were located, among other things.
    “I’m on my way. Hold on to your mouse
costume or whatever else you might be wearing. Can’t wait to find
out what’s got you in such a fit of impatience.”
    “Just hurry up.”
    Just then she pushed
through the main lab door and said, “Okay!” as she closed the phone
and dropped it in the outer pouch of her messenger bag.
    “Don’t take that tone with
me, young lady. I’m the one who’s been working night and day to
save your beautiful…,” Monq caught himself just before he finished
that sentence with an unrefined word. “…self.”
    “Really? Well, if you’re
going to persist in calling me young
lady , I’m not sure I

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