Gamers' Rebellion

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Book: Read Gamers' Rebellion for Free Online
Authors: George Ivanoff
Tags: Science-Fiction, Juvenile Fiction
restraining chair. She is held in place with a low-level force-field. It should be set so as to allow her to speak. And she can certainly hear us.’
    Zyra returned her attention to Mel. ‘Well hear this. If Tark has been hurt in any way, I will kill you. You got that? I will kill you – slowly and painfully.’
    Mel blinked.
    ‘So tell us what the hell you’ve done with Tark,’ said Zyra.
    Mel closed her eyes.
    ‘Fine,’ said Zyra, getting to her feet. ‘If that’s the way you want it.’ She shoved the desk to one side and strode forward.
    ‘Stop!’ said Robbie.
    Zyra ignored him and made a grab for Mel’s throat. Her hand stopped millimetres from its target. Try as she might, she could not get her hand to close around the girl’s throat.
    Zyra gave up and tried to pull back instead. That didn’t work either. Her hand was stuck, immobilised by the same force-field that held Mel in place.
    ‘I warned you,’ said Robbie, still seated at the other end of the room. ‘You have triggered a security alert as well.’
    ‘Tark is fine.’ Mel’s voice was a harsh whisper, barely audible.
    Zyra gave up struggling and stared at her.
    ‘We rescued him from this evil place,’ hissed Mel. ‘They steal people. Kids. Find out what happens to them.’
    A door opened up behind Mel. A guard and a technician entered.
    ‘You’re special,’ said Mel. ‘Be careful.’
    ‘This is not acceptable,’ stated the technician in a bland voice.
    He tapped at his computer tablet. Zyra’s hand came free and she staggered back. Mel went limp in the chair, slumping forward.
    ‘Don’t trust any of them,’ whispered Mel.
    ‘I beg your pardon?’ said the technician, leaning forward.
    Mel sprang up, knocking the tablet from the technician’s hand, and grabbed him around the throat. The guard immediately raised his arm, power-glove at the ready.
    Zyra tensed, her hands automatically going for her knives … that weren’t there.
    Mel edged towards the door, keeping the technician between herself and the guard.
    ‘Stop!’ the guard demanded, his voice deep and gravelly.
    Mel continued to move across the room.
    Zyra looked from Mel to the guard and back to Mel. Their eyes met. Should she help Mel? If Mel escaped, she might be able to lead her to Tark.
    Robbie’s hand gently touched her shoulder.
    There was a crackle of energy and the technician collapsed to the floor with a whimper, leaving Mel out in the open.
    Mel froze, eyes wide.
    The guard fired his power-glove again and Mel was slammed back against the wall by the bolt of energy. Her unconscious body crumpled to the floor. The guard swiftly strode forward, picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. Then he marched out of the room.
    The technician groaned and placed a hand to his throbbing head. Staggering to his feet he noticed Zyra and Robbie staring at him, and paused. As if greatly embarrassed by the events, he hurriedly picked up his tablet and rushed from the room.
    ‘Interesting,’ said Robbie thoughtfully.
    ‘What is?’ asked Zyra, as the door they had entered through reopened.
    ‘What Mel said to you.’
    Zyra’s eyes locked onto Robbie. ‘You heard?’
    ‘I have exceptional hearing,’ said Robbie.

    ‘Everyone has their own agenda,’ said Robbie, leading Zyra down the corridor. ‘Mel is right. You should not trust anyone. Not completely, at any rate.’
    ‘What about you?’ asked Zyra.
    ‘Would you like a tour?’ Robbie ignored her question.
    ‘Really?’ said Zyra. ‘I’m allowed?’
    ‘I would not be permitted to show you everything,’ admitted Robbie. ‘But there is a reasonable amount that I can.’
    ‘Can you show me the Game?’ asked Zyra.
    ‘What do you mean exactly?’
    ‘Well …’ Zyra thought about it. ‘The computer that it is on? Or the hard drive? Or whatever?’
    ‘Yes,’ agreed Robbie.
    More corridors. Blank white walls with harsh overhead lighting. Zyra wondered how anyone could know where they were

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