Galactic Battle
on the same team. I’ve got your back.”
    â€œThanks, Mordant,” Emmie said, sounding wary that Mordant’s behavior was too good to be true.
    John wanted to ask the half-Gargon where the real Mordant Talliver had gone. Was he tied up in his dorm? Was this some shape-shifting alien that had taken his place?
    Mordant turned to go.
    Emmie rushed off behind him, calling back over her shoulder. “John? I’ll see you and Kaal for dinner later on, yeah?”
    â€œSure. Later, Emmie.”
    What Emmie had told John had begun to eat away at him. Emmie’s life in Mordant’s hands? John already knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night thinking about it.
    There were so many different ways Mordant could hurt her in zero-G acrobatics, and Emmie was right — it would be easy to make it look like an accident, even with everyone watching. John clenched his fist, thinking of what he’d do if Mordant hurt his friend.
    But physical injury wasn’t really Mordant’s style. And anyway, he’d had plenty of chances to hurt Emmie already but hadn’t. Mordant could usually be counted on to make some snarky comment or other, teasing her for being slow in class. But by the sound of it, he’d been polite. Better than polite. He’d been nice.
    â€œStop stressing,” John said to himself. “He’s just buttering her up because he’s team leader and he wants everyone’s support, that’s all. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
    John made his way back to where Kaal and Kritta were sitting. Tarope, Monix, and Dyfi had joined them, and they were all eating Blargon burgers with Pepperdust fries. The Blargon burgers quivered like rubber, and they squeaked like dog toys when you bit into them.
    Kritta was in the middle of gossiping with Dyfi when John arrived. “Can you believe it? That claw-varnish cost Shazilda tons of credit —” She broke off when she spotted John. “Hi, John, I saved you a chair!” she said. Then she turned back to Dyfi. “And Ms. Skrinel just confiscated it in front of everyone! I know it glows pretty bright and Shaz shouldn’t have been putting it on in class, but seriously, how harsh is that?”
    â€œTotally,” Dyfi said. “Hey, Kaal, are you going to eat that?”
    â€œHmm?” said Kaal dreamily. His Blargon burger lay untouched in front of him, and only a few of his Pepperdust fries had been eaten. He was staring at Kritta as if she’d hypnotized him.
    What was going on?
    It dawned on John that Derrilians ate insects. This could be bad. It would really mess things up if Kaal couldn’t help seeing Kritta as a huge Sunday roast. He was sure the rules didn’t allow one team member to eat another!
    John quickly gobbled down some delicious potato skins with cheese and bacon.
    He had to admit, Zepp had made his lunch perfectly this time. The cheese was melted just right, the butter was soft and golden, the bacon was extra crisp, and the actual potato was still there! In the past, Zepp had peeled the potato and sent John a plate with just the skin peelings on it.
    â€œWe’d better get going,” Monix said.
    She sounds so sure of herself, John thought, anyone would think she is the leader.
    Kaal left the table, carrying his barely touched lunch with him, and went to empty his tray into the auto-recycle machines. As soon as he was gone, Kritta leaned over the table and whispered to John, “I’ve got a confession to make. Don’t be mad, okay?”
    â€œUm . . . really?” was all John could think of to say.
    â€œI’m a huge fan of yours,” Kritta clicked. “Like, really huge. Ever since Robot Warriors. I’m so glad we’re on the same team! It means we can spend much more time together.”
    Before she could say anything else, Kaal returned and they all headed out of the Center together. John’s thoughts were in a whirl. He

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