Fur Magic Boxed Set: Talisman, Sage, Fawn, Lola: Paranormal Romantic Comedy

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Book: Read Fur Magic Boxed Set: Talisman, Sage, Fawn, Lola: Paranormal Romantic Comedy for Free Online
Authors: Colleen Charles
go down the dark road before I’d make it home to the shelter and Pen’s warm bed. I hope she’d left some kitty treats in my dish. Some sustenance was in order after my long evening of detective work on her behalf. I planned on one final stop along the way. I knew a chick named Fawn who resided in the woods with her family; they should be in the area. I sent her a mental message that we needed to talk.
    I’m here, Tali. I’ll wait for you on the shoulder about a quarter mile down the road.
    As I approached, I noticed Fawn’s bushy white tail first as she foraged in the ditch for cacti fruits. Even though deer have great hearing and a sixth sense for danger, I’m a cat and I can stalk my prey at a hundred feet in silence, so my voice startled her.
    “Hey, Fawn,” I said as I broke the silence of the black night. It was so still and calm you could have heard a cactus needle fall and hit the ground. “Long time no see.”
    “Hi, Tali,” Fawn replied as she walked up and nudged me with her black nose. “I’ve missed you. Where have you been? I don’t think I’ve seen you since that night that you morphed in to human form to save me from that hunter’s bow.”
    I’d been behind Bianca Chokecherry’s brother, Damian, that night on my way home and I’d caught him poaching. He was going to shoot a baby deer in the dead of night using a spotlight to find her. I normally only morph in a Penelope emergency, but saving Fawn’s young life classified as just that. She had a lot of life before her, and she was a gentle soul that deserved to live on.
    Fawn shivered as she stared at me with her huge, black eyes. “If it wasn’t for you, Tali, I wouldn’t be here right now. I hope you know how much that means to me.”
    Aww … shucks. The female adoration was starting to get to me. I felt my kitty eyes start to well up in response.
    “Fawn,” I replied. “It was my pleasure to save you. Damian Chokecherry is an evil man and so is his whole family. That’s why I’m here tonight. Is there anything that you or your family have seen or heard that might help Sage and I figure out why Penelope’s losing her powers?”
    “That night,” Fawn paused as her whole body tensed, “Damian raised his bow to shoot me, and I couldn’t move, Tali. I couldn’t move. At all. It was like something had turned my whole body to ice, cold granite. Before he raised the bow, he was chanting some kind of gibberish, and then when he brought the string of the bow back, his arrow pointed right at my heart, he …”
    “Fawn! Get away from that cat and back here right now.”
    Her father, Stag, appeared on the edge of the woods. His eight foot rack gleaming in the moonlight with their points in my direction. Fawn jumped, gave me a look of sorrow and trotted back to her dad. Something had scared Stag silent. Or someone.
    I trotted off, my mind racing. I had to get to Sage, and I sent him a message as strong as I could through the dark of night.
    Sage, it’s Tali. Fawn knows something and Stag won’t let her tell me what it is. We have to find out.
    I’m already home, you bloody cat. We’ll talk when you get here.
    Those damn Chokecherry’s. Constantly up to something and none of it good. Something had to be done about them. Especially, if they were threatening the town’s animals in to terrorized silence. I know what I’ll do. I’ll morph in to human form and seduce Bianca with my massive hotness, that’s what I’ll do. Then, I’ll cut her loose and give her the biggest heartbreak she’s ever experienced in her twenty five years. Then, I’ll find some other girl to seduce and rub it in. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do …
    So, caught up in my daydreams of thwarting Bianca, I didn’t notice the delivery truck until it was too late.

    Chapter 6
    “Talisman, it’s Dr. Luke. Can you hear me? Can you see me?”
    He didn’t expect me to answer, did he? I must have been knocked unconscious when the truck clipped my rear end,

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