Full Release

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Book: Read Full Release for Free Online
Authors: marshall thornton
Tags: gay romance
let Peter push me into this situation. Well, to be fair, I was a grown-up capable of making my own decisions. I chewed on that for a minute then went back to blaming Peter. It was just easier.
    What if Eddie wanted another date? Would I be able to turn down another freebie? And when all is said and done, is there really such a thing as a freebie? I had no idea what the cost of this was going to be, I thought cynically. That was the problem with most relationships, when they began you never knew what they’d cost you. My relationship with Jeremy had cost me a small fortune. One time I guesstimated the number of times we’d had sex in seven years, then divided that by the amount of money Jeremy had cost me. The result was not pretty. I was beginning to think sex is a better idea when you negotiate the price up front.
    The next morning, I tried to make as much noise as possible while getting ready. None of it seemed to have any effect on Eddie, who continued to sleep like some kind of inanimate object. I wasn’t sure what to do. I had to go to work, and wanted Eddie to leave. It didn’t seem a good idea to leave him alone all day in my house. But I also didn’t want to turn into some kind of paranoid, screaming freak who’d kick a sleeping guy out into the street. We’d had a good time, and he seemed a nice enough guy. I was probably just being paranoid.
    I shook Eddie awake. “I have to go to work now. Can you lock the door on your way out?” He didn’t answer, so I prodded him again. “Okay?”
    He mumbled something, turned over and went back to sleep.
    Walking out of my house, I noticed how differently I felt from the first time I was with Eddie. Sure, I’d saved a hundred and sixty bucks, actually way more than that if I considered what Eddie might have charged me for staying over night, but still I’d been happier when I’d paid.
    This was not no-strings-attached sex. There were likely to be strings. And I had no idea what those strings might be.
    Chapter Four
    Of course, leaving Eddie in my house was a terrible mistake. I knew it on my drive to work, I knew it during a staff meeting, and I knew it while eating a chocolate muffin at my desk around ten-thirty. Which was about the time I called and told Eddie I’d had a great time the night before, which was true, and asked, “Did you remember to lock the door on your way out?”
    “Oh, I’m still here,” he said brightly. “We should order in and watch TV tonight.”
    I thought it a disturbingly domestic thing to say after just two dates. Well, one professional massage and one date, to be more accurate.
    “I probably need to work late,” I lied. “I don’t think I’ll be much fun tonight.”
    “That’s all right. I will give you a back rub.” He giggled, meaning much more.
    “No, really. I’m going to be a real grouch.”
    “You don’t like me anymore?”
    “I didn’t say that.”
    “Good, because I like you.”
    Even though it was only the word “like”, it roughly followed the same rules as the other L word. Eddie had said he liked me, and I was supposed to tell Eddie I liked him, too. Instead, I said, “Thank you.” He didn’t reply, so I told him I was about to go into a meeting and I’d call him in a couple days.
    “Call me this afternoon,” he said, and hung up before I could object. I realized I had no idea whether he’d be leaving my house or not.
    The rumor about re-engineering was confirmed at the morning staff meeting. Afterward, Tiffany looked pale and frightened. Every time I walked by her cubicle, I wondered if she was about to run to the ladies room and puke. She sent me an email, which said, “I didn’t want to say anything, but my ex-husband has had his hours cut back by half. He’s two months late with his child support.”
    I sifted through my Rolodex and made a couple of phone calls for her. Well, I tried to. I imagined people all over town were being inundated by calls generated from this studio looking for

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