Frozen Prospects

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Book: Read Frozen Prospects for Free Online
Authors: Dean Murray
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy
Va'del's shoulder, but he
shook it off. Jasmin cleared her throat, but received no response.
"We're sorry Va'del. We should have asked first, but among our
people, it is a fairly common thing. We expected you'd be
happy you now have greater freedom to move about the mountains if
you wanted."
continued to ignore the younger wife in the hope she'd leave
him alone, and after a short time he heard her turn and walk away.
The next hand to touch his shoulder wasn't feminine or gentle.
I'rone carefully pulled the teenager around and then pressed a heavy
coat into Va'del's arms. "Outside."
more than a little afraid of the larger man, Va'del pulled on the
heavy coat and his ice spikes. I'rone strode out into the cold as
soon as Va'del was properly attired.
pair walked for several minutes, moon-lit snow crunching with each
step, before I'rone stopped and found a seat.
women, they are different than men. I think that's good. Some
tasks are better suited to our nature, and some are better suited to
listened in confusion—he wasn't sure he'd ever heard so many words
from I'rone at one time.
are more apt to try and change things, to fix things and people.
Sometimes they go too far, like they just did with you. When that
happens, it is important to make sure that they know they've
overstepped their bounds, but what's done is done. Nothing is
to be gained by trying to make them feel worse than they already
his mouth to respond hotly, Va'del was suddenly struck by the
understanding displayed on I'rone's weathered face. "You have
always been different, but only small, stupid people make those who
are different feel bad simply because of differences. The Guadel,
we are all different. That is what makes us special, and your
difference from the rest of your village is the reason we believe
you may be able to become one of us."
massive Guadel patted Va'del on the shoulder and then stood.
"Rejoin us when you're ready."
I'rone had left, Va'del spent a cycle outside staring at the moon
before the cold finally drove him back to the way cave. What
have I gotten myself into? When they are done with me will I even
be one of the People anymore? Will I even be human?
legs once again ached from the strain of trudging across the
blindingly white snow, but this time he wasn't quite as exhausted. I suppose the last few
days of travel have toughened me up more than I thought.
his position in the front, I'rone pointed to a dark smudge
signifying bare rock a little ways in the distance, and Va'del
suddenly realized it must be the entrance to Screaming Wind Village.
half cycle passed before the tiny group made it to the entrance of
the village caves, but time seemed to skip forward, and sooner than
Va'del expected, they were stepping inside the caves. I
wonder what creates the keening sound? Some property of the wind
and rocks?
feet into the cave, a pair of guards challenged the small group,
stepping aside as I'rone removed his head covering. "Honored
Guadel. Para'de will conduct you all to the guest quarters."
guard that had spoken bowed briefly and then stepped aside so that
his companion could guide the small party. Va'del lost track of all
the turns they took, but after stabling the gurra, and meeting a
villager who'd promised to rub the beasts down, the party picked up
the bulk of the packages that had been on the beasts, and continued
on. Soon enough they were inside the guest quarters, and the guard
was backing out of the rooms.
they were alone Jasmin shivered. "That howling never fails to
set my teeth on edge. If we were any closer to the entrance I'd
never get a wink of sleep."
smiled as she and I'rone began unpacking the few things that they
would need while in the village. "The first time we were sent
here I nearly drug I'rone back out to the way cave two days early.
There's something about the pitch that always knots

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