Frontiers 07 - The Expanse

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Book: Read Frontiers 07 - The Expanse for Free Online
Authors: Ryk Brown
centuries ahead of us. They’ve been using fusion reactors to power everything from homes to cars to ships,” Nathan said. “Did you know they don’t even have a power grid on Takara? Every building has its own little reactor to provide electrical power. They’re self-contained, little units that require no service whatsoever. They just light them up, and they run for like a decade or something. Then they just swap them out and refurbish them for reuse. Can you imagine?”
    “It does sound less complicated. I’m just not sure it’s safe.”
    “That’s because we’re not used to such technologies.”
    “We’ll have to make sure Mister Montgomery and his people share that knowledge with Fleet once we get home,” Cameron stated.
    “Yes, of course. Thank you, Commander.”
    Nathan returned his attention to the display on his desk. After a moment, he realized that Commander Taylor was still standing there. “Was there something else?”
    “I was wondering what you’re planning to do with Tug’s little present.”
    “Nothing for now,” Nathan said.
    He shrugged. “What did you expect me to do with it? Send it back?”
    “You’re actually going to take a platoon of men programmed to kill everything in their path back to Earth with us?” she wondered. “Pardon me, sir, but do you think that’s wise?”
    “To be honest, I really don’t know,” Nathan admitted. “But I think Tug was right about one thing. If we ever find ourselves in a situation where we truly need them, we’re going to be glad we have them.”
    “Nathan, they’re a deadly weapon, one that we’re not even sure we can control.”
    “And nukes on point-and-shoot torpedoes aren’t?”
    “That’s not the same thing, and you know it.”
    “Look, Cam, I’ve been doing some reading on the Ghatazhak. They’re not as much robots as people like to imagine. In fact, I’m beginning to suspect that much of that is myth, maybe even propaganda used by the Ta’Akar to instill fear in their subjects. Those are men, just like us…”
    “You mean like you.”
    “You know what I mean. They’re highly trained, fanatically dedicated to their code of honor, which is leader, code, brother, in that order. They’re more akin to holy warriors than special forces, at least in their dedication. In their training, they make special forces look like recruits straight out of boot camp.”
    “So you expect to find trouble on the way home?” she asked.
    “No, I don’t. But after all we’ve been through, I’m not about to take any chances either.”
    “We do have our own platoon of Corinari on board, you know.”
    “Yes, I do. Speaking of which, it would be better if Major Waddell did not know about the Ghatazhak. In fact, I would prefer that it remain our little secret.”
    Cameron sighed, which was rare.
    “Look, Cam, I hope to God we never have to wake those guys up. But they’d be in stasis either way, so why not park a few of them with us?” Nathan leaned back in his chair. “Hell, I wish he would’ve given us a whole company of them.”
    “ Captain, Comms, ” Naralena’s voice called over the intercom on the work terminal on his desk.
    “Go ahead.”
    “ Sir, Cheng reports the engineering department is ready for departure. ”
    “Very well.” Nathan clicked off his intercom. “I guess we’re ready.” He rose from his seat. “I assume the matter is closed?”
    “Yes, sir,” Cameron agreed, “for now.”
    “I’ll take what I can get, Commander.” Nathan noticed the look on her face, but he knew she technically had no say in the matter. He also knew that Cameron would continue to pester him about the Ghatazhak hiding in their cargo hold. That was fine with him, as she always kept him on his toes and thinking, which was a good thing. “Shall we?”
    “After you, sir,” she said, respecting his rank, as always.
    Nathan strolled out of his ready room and onto the bridge of the Aurora, nodding at the guard as

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