From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3)

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Book: Read From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Mary Ting
balanced their world with love and devotion to their people. Now, everything is gone because of greed and revenge. Nothing good can ever come out of these evil feelings. Look at where we are now. Almost everyone is dead. Where is Olympus, your home? Over time, the gods will be forgotten. They will only be a legend, a myth, and a story told from generation to generation. Some stories will be made up, and some stories will even be lies. This is truly tragic.”
    “That is not your memory.” His tone was so fierce and strong that it made me jerk.
    The voice was trying to intimidate me, but I wouldn’t let it. “Yes, it is. It might not be my personal memory, but it is a memory of the present.”
    I didn’t know if my answer would be acceptable, but I got an answer when the door seemed less apparent. Thank God! Becoming one with the door, I walked right through. But never would I have ever imagined seeing this.

    “Give me your saddest memory.” He demanded.
    “The day the assholes killed my mom. They didn’t need to kill her. She was innocent in all this. The war was between the gods, not the humans.”
    He didn’t say a word after that, just let me through. Once I was on the other side, the first thing I saw was the fog. It was too dark to look further, but there was just enough light to see the walls of the cave and boulders, and the ceiling that was just as high as on the other side. But I was most stunned to see Amanda crying.
    Spotting Nick next, I was just about to ask him why he wasn’t consoling Amanda from her cries when I saw him crying too. What the hell? And so were Everett and everyone else, except for the Oracles. Though they looked somber, their eyes glistened with liquid.
    “What’s going on?” I placed my hand on Amanda, but she didn’t look up. She continued to sob as tears poured down her face.
    “We are weaker now. The reason is, we are affected by the emotion we gave away,” Zara explained, sniffing.
    “How do you stop this?” How wrong I was to think I might not be affected. My heart ached without warning, the kind of pain that ate me up, cutting into every piece of me—my bones, my muscles, my heart, and my soul…till it felt like I wanted to rip my heart out to stop the pain. Then the tears came, blinding my vision, and I had no idea why I felt this way. There was no memory from the past playing in my mind; it was just the feeling of sheer, unforgettable sadness.
    “Not you too,” Sarah cried, rubbing her tears away.
    “Wh…where’s…S…ky?” Everett had a difficult time with his words from weeping too much. I wondered what his saddest memory was, but I could take a guess and I would probably be right. I was pretty sure it was about losing his mom.
    “Damn! I never cried so much.” Nick stood beside me. “Don’t tell anyone about this. This will ruin my reputation. I’m crying like a sissy, and I can’t control it.”
    “Maybe Sky can stop this.” Aaron gasped, and his breath quickened from trying to stop the tears.
    I wanted what Aaron said to be true, but I also didn’t want Sky to see us this way, especially me. It would break her heart. Maybe she would be affected too. I was also surprised to see how much the color of our skin had changed. Placing my hand out in front of me, it looked like a zombie’s hand—dull and dead. I knew pieces of us would die and our powers would weaken, but I didn’t know we would look like this.
    Now that I had no tears left to shed, I needed to try to control this urge. I closed my eyes and slid down against a boulder, waiting for Sky. I hoped it wouldn’t be too long.
    I stood up to see Sky looking baffled. I would have too. Having her hand on my arm gave me warmth, easing the coldness and emptiness I was feeling.
    “Sky.” I stood up and embraced her, hoping this pain would go away from her touch and presence, but it didn’t.
    “What’s wrong with everyone? Why are they crying?” she asked.
    Tara stood

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