
Read Frog for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Frog for Free Online
Authors: Claire Thompson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
didn't think so. Dried up little prune, weren't you, back in your past life. Huh, frog? You just need a man to give you a good fucking and show you what's what, but you didn't find one, did you? No, I can just see you, hunched over your frozen dinner, watching Lifetime on T.V., reading your boring little novels and going to sleep, night after night, never even dreaming there was a prince charming out there to kiss the frog and set her free." In fact, he was very near the mark, which made his comments cut that much more.
    "Well, don't worry anymore, sweetheart, because Robert's here to teach you to be a proper slut. You are going to learn to suck cock like a pro, free of charge. Now, for starters, I'm going to fit this little gag into your mouth, to teach you how to relax your throat." As Robert spoke, he untied the blindfold, leaving Jane to squint in the bright light of the room. As her eyes adjusted, she focused on what he was holding. It was a gag, the center of which was composed of a hard plastic phallus shaped like a small penis. Mercifully it was relatively small, only four inches or so long and not too thick. "A beginner model," Robert said, grinning, reading her mind. "Open wide."
    He pressed the cold plastic against her lips and poor Jane had no choice but to comply. Slipping the gag in place, he secured it behind her head. "Don't you look pretty," he smiled, watching her eyes tear as she tried to adjust to the offending object pressed against her soft palate.
    "Just for good measure," he added, grinning evilly, "let's not leave your cunt out of the fun." So saying, Robert took a dildo which was much larger than the penis gag, and slipped it into a harness before rudely shoving it up her snatch. Jane emitted a grunt of pain from behind the plastic cock in her mouth. Robert said, "Lucky for you that

    you were still wet from your orgasm, slut. It would have hurt way worse otherwise!" He buckled the harness around her slim waist so that the dildo would stay buried deep in her pussy. As a final touch, he replaced the satin blindfold. There he left her, bound, blinded, gagged and stuffed, to muse on her fate.
    The minutes ticked slowly by. Though she was bound and immobilized, her mind was churning with what had just happened to her. Confusion was paramount as she tried unsuccessfully to grapple with the outrage at having been abused and tortured, and the secret pleasure of the wild orgasm that had been wrenched from her without her consent or even understanding. She could still hear her own piercing scream as she came, echoing in her mind.
    And not only had he forced her body to react in that sexual way, but his horrid wife had probably been watching on the closed circuit camera, getting off on Jane's humiliation and total loss of control. She flushed here alone just thinking about it all. And yet... And yet she couldn't deny that instance when pain was obliterated and pleasure rode roughshod over everything else, shutting down her mind, her fears, her consciousness as it swept her body into a moment of pure delight. Remembering it now, she felt her vaginal muscles contract slightly against the invading dildo rammed up her cunt.
    She heard something and stiffened, her musings forgotten. Unable to scream, to talk, to see, to move, Jane's hearing had become especially acute. She felt she could almost hear the tumblers of the lock falling into place as the key scraped in its hole. She heard the door open and the sharp click of high heels against the floor. She heard someone come close to her and circle her slowly. Not a word was said and Jane began to tremble with fear and anticipation, the silence weighing on her like a stone.
    It was broken with a swishing sound and a loud crack as a flogger struck Jane's ass without warning. Jane's scream was muffled by the penis gag as she jerked away from the whip. "I want you to count, frog," commanded Brenda, who was dressed today in what Robert called her 'Mistress Outfit.' She was

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