Em awakened than Laredo was.
Their jaws dropped as they realized they were too late. Annabelle stood staring down at the sleeping man cradling her baby. Her expression was one of amazement. Maybe even wonder.
Best yet, Annabelle’s hair was wet, she’d thrown her robe on over her towel so it had caught, and the legs that had previously been concealed by jeans and boots were totally exposed. She had wonderful legs and sparkly pink toenail polish on dainty toes.
Laredo and Tex backed up slowly into the kitchen.
“Last had it right,” Laredo said, his blood pressure darn near shooting out of his head. “We gotta keep her. For Frisco’s sake.”
Tex swept a hand across his brow as he leaned up against the pantry. “Oh, God, yes. She’s too adorable to send back. I don’t care how cranky the baby is. We’ll all take turns holding her. But to save my brother from himself, I gladly volunteer my services.”
“To rock the baby,” Laredo said pointedly.
“Just to rock the baby,” Tex agreed. “But damn,if any of those women are hiding such charms under those frumpy country dresses, I get first dibs on the next one we see undressed.”
Annabelle peeped around the corner, the robe fully pulled down over the towel now. “What are you guys doing in here?” she asked. “And why does Frisco have my baby?”
Laredo jerked straight. He arranged his face in a Boy Scout expression. “Frisco just loves babies, Annabelle. Loves them beyond anything you can imagine. I think he misses having young’uns in the house, if you want to know the truth. And when he heard your little Emmie up there wailing, why, he just raced to comfort her.”
She looked at him uncertainly. “That was nice of him.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tex said. “And right before he dozed off, he said he hoped you’d help yourself to anything you need in the house.” His Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed. “And furthermore, he said not to bother moving Em. He said you’re to get the rest you need, and he’ll watch her tonight. Since she’s so colicky and all.”
Annabelle’s lips parted, which Laredo thought was an expression Frisco would surely have to appreciate.
“That’s awfully nice of him.”
She didn’t sound certain. Laredo nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. That’s what people say about Frisco. He’s such a…nice…person.”
He held his breath.
“I suppose I’ll head back upstairs, if you’re sure about this?”
The two brothers nodded quickly.
“Well, all right. Come knock on the door if Frisco changes his mind.”
They nodded again. Annabelle left the kitchen, and the brothers high-fived each other.
She poked her head back around the corner, and they stiffened guiltily. “I’ll leave the diaper bag in the hall. I doubt Em will sleep much longer, and he can bring her to me when she wakes up.”
“Excellent. We’ll be sure to see that Frisco gets it,” Laredo said. “Don’t you worry about Em. She’s in good hands.”
Annabelle didn’t look all that likely to agree, but with a last glance at the man holding her content child, she went back up the stairs.
“Frisco’s gonna whup your hide.”
“No, he isn’t,” Laredo said with a grin, “because you’re not going to tell him. In the morning, she’ll thank him for watching her baby, and he’ll puff up with pride and say it was nothing, they’ll see each other in a rosy light, and boom! Instant happiness for Frisco.”
Tex shook his head. “I don’t remember you being so good with relationships, Laredo. Since when didyou become the inventor of the mysterious perfect match?”
“I’m not looking for a woman, Tex, so shut up. In fact, never try this on me, because I won’t fall for it. But then, I’m a pleasant person in general.” He glanced out at his brother. “It’s Frisco who’s had a problem. Unless I miss my guess, it’s well on its way to being fixed.”
“You’ve missed more than your guess before,” Tex mumbled as he cracked