“Your old man’s gonna snap when he finds out about this,” Lucky said, and wrapped his arms around me as he pressed a kiss to the side of my neck.
“By the time he finds out, it’ll be too late for him,” I responded, my mood darkening suddenly due to the thought of all my father had put people through. Someone had to shut him down. I hated like hell that it had to be me, but he’d left me little choice in the matter.
“Imagine that. Instead of going to community college for the last few years, King Pin Delgado’s little girl is working against him.” Lucky laughed and forced me to turn in his arms.
“You got that right.” I shrugged and let my eyes run across the strong features of his face. I loved his nose best, but he’d not understand why even if I tried to explain myself. He’d grunt and change the subject, which was normal. Lucky Morrison wasn’t the kind of man that focused on himself very often, if at all.
“Just don’t take me down too, baby,” Lucky said with a smirk on his face.
“Don’t do anything to where I have to,” I responded as a smirk played along my lips. “Besides… I thought you liked to go down.” I licked at my lips, quickly remembering how good it felt to have him between my thighs the night before. His tongue worked magic on me. I only prayed that mine did the same from him.
“Mmmm… watch it, or I’ll have my way with you in here.” He pressed his hips forward, rubbing his thick erection against my tummy and leaving me wanting to pant after him. He had too much power over me, and where I wished like hell it was something I could break away from, I knew that it would never happen. I was completely sold out for the man in front of me. If we ever decided to split ways, it would be because he forced us to. Not me. I was in it for the long haul and then some.
“I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen going forward.” I sagged into his hold, enjoying the comfort he provided for a few minutes.
“Do you really think your father is going to be able to avoid the law much longer? They’re breathing down our backs as it is,” Lucky asked.
“Not if the DEA has anything to do with it,” I snapped. I hated the fact that my father was about to meet his end simply because he was my father. I was dead set on helping to make it happen, but that didn’t mean it left me with warm fuzzy feelings at the end of the day.
“So when are you going to tell your father about school, baby?” He moved back as I turned and worked to shut the laptop down. I was done for the day, and needed to get back home before too long. My father was suspicious of everyone by nature, and I was no exception to the rule.
I sighed. “I’m not. The less he knows, the better. I have a cover for eight hours a day while I try to figure out a way out from under his and my cousins’ control. Eventually, they are going to make a wrong move, and they’re all gonna get busted.”
“Stick to the plan…” Lucky urged. He had been a bit nervous lately that my dedication was wavering where the plan was concerned. I wasn’t, but trusting the cops wasn’t something that came naturally to me. Much like MC’s… there were some good ones, and some really, really bad ones.
“There’s a problem with that plan,” I said, and gave Lucky a serious look.
“And that would be?” Lucky asked, as if he didn’t know the dilemma that we were both facing.
“Yeah, baby… You’re public enemy Number One where my father’s MC is concerned. There’s a plan to take you down too, you know?” I finished up and turned, pulling him back into my arms and pressing my lips to the strong muscles of his chest. To say that I was worried was a massive understatement. My father hated the Stone Wolves, but he fucking loathed Lucky Morrison. My handsome beau had been way too involved in shutting down the drug deals and saving lives to fly under the radar anymore. If my father had even an inkling of a