Forbidden Hope: A Werewolf Wars Prequel Novella
Joseph Harris, her mother’s first husband was the man who had stolen Claire’s heart. Even to this day, Emily suspected her mother still loved Joseph more than she did Emmett. Her father was opportunistic and had pounced on Claire the moment Joseph died. Devon was the bane of Emmett’s existence and he only tolerated him because of Claire. No, her father would never ask Joseph’s twin for help.
    Claire grasped Emily’s hand. “Look. There is your father and brother now. They must have chased them off. Try to get some sleep, dear.” She placed a kiss to Emily’s head and then hurried off. “I’m going to go let Maddie and Amelia know we are in the clear.”
    Emily stared out the window, watching as every last pack mate came back. Marcus caught her gaze and gave her a smile before heading back into the guesthouses.
    Everything was okay—for tonight, anyway.
    E mily blinked as the words in her novel blurred together. She’d been staring at the same page for ten minutes and had no idea what she’d read. Tossing the book to the side, she leaned back into her pillows and ran a hand through her hair. Bored, she glanced around her room, hoping to find something to occupy her time. If only she was allowed to leave the house.
    Laughter and cheering floated into her bedroom window. Her brother’s voice called out as a car roared to life. She slid out of bed and tiptoed to the window, peering out into the driveway below. Her brothers, Devon and Vincent, exchanged a few words before the pair hopped into Devon’s green Civic. It had been nearly a week since the attack, and Emmett had loosened the restrictions on leaving the property—that is, for everyone but her.
    A lump formed in her throat as a familiar mop of jet black hair came into view. Marcus! He opened the back door to the car and, just before climbing in, his eyes darted up to meet hers.
    Marcus’ eyes held her gaze for a long moment. His lips parted, and she watched intently as they moved. “I love you,” he mouthed.
    Emily smiled. “I love you too,” she whispered, gently placing her hand on the cool glass pane.
    Marcus’ head snapped to the right when Vincent asked him a question and he nodded. He gave her one last fleeting look before climbing into the backseat.
    The car reversed and the white of the headlights filtered into her room.  Sh e pulled back, concealing herself behind the curtains. The beams of light jumped across her wall before they shrank as the car retreaded into the distance.
    It must be nice to go out and enjoy life, she thought bitterly.
    A sharp knock on her door caused her to jump and squeak with surprise. “Just a minute,” she called as she padded to the door. Twisting the lock, she opened the door and swallowed. Her other brother, Daniel, stood in the threshold. “Hey,” she greeted, meeting her brother’s cool emerald eyes.
    “Dad wants to see you in his office, Em,” he explained, motioning with his hand.
    “Oh?” Her dad never requested her presence. Ever. A knot formed in her stomach, a sense of foreboding washing over her. “Why?”
    Daniel’s steely gaze faltered for a moment, his eyes darting away from hers. “Come on.”
    Emily studied her brother before nodding. If Emmett McKinley wanted an audience, denying him would only incite his rage. While she had never directly been a victim of his wrath, she knew all too well what he was capable of doing.
    “Is everything okay?” she questioned, wringing her hands together.
    “You should brace yourself, Em. You’re not going to like what you hear, and please don’t argue,” Daniel answered after a long moment.
    Emily clasped her hands together as they descended the stairs. Her mind whirled as she tried to think of what her father wanted. A sickening nausea curdled in her stomach, intensifying as they drew closer to the office. There was only one reason why her father would call her to his office. He had found her a mate.
    Daniel paused outside the door, his

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