Forbidden Falls

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Book: Read Forbidden Falls for Free Online
Authors: Robyn Carr
Tags: Contemporary Romance, small town
changes,” she said. “Give up the duplex. Find one room somewhere. I don’t need a house when I can’t have my kids overnight. We’ve lived in one room before and we could do it again.” She shrugged. “Cozy. We just curl up and tickle and laugh and play and—” Again her eyes misted over. “I’ll manage whatever life throws at me. That’s what I’m used to doing.”
    “The church job—it’s not a piece of cake,” he said. “I need help with heavy jobs. You saw the place. I have to fix it up before I even get to the preaching part.”
    She flashed him a smile. “Sounds like fun. More fun than listening to a lot of bible beating.”
    “At least I’m not going to have to work at getting you to come out of your shy little shell,” Noah said, and she laughed. “You’re in a tight spot. You need just under three months to get back to the judge and for me to find someone permanent. We could try it. But it’s not going to be easy.” On either one of us, he thought.
    “Do I seem like someone who knows what to do with easy?”
    He smiled and shook his head. He knew better; this was a bad idea. But the kid deserved a break, didn’t she? He dared a glance down from her eyes. A tremor ran though him. She sure didn’t look like a church secretary. But then, he didn’t look like a preacher. “You’re out of work right now?” he asked.
    “I quit the day the judge gave Arnie the kids. I have to find something right away.”
    “Tomorrow’s Thursday. If you want to start then, you can. But like I said, it’s dirty work. Do you have…ah…Jeans? Sweatshirts? Some shoes that aren’t high heels?”
    “Sure,” she said, beaming. “Cool. I haven’t been in a church in years!”
    “No kidding? I’d never have guessed. Well, people will have certain expectations…”
    “Okay, no swearing. I’ll be totally polite. And I’ll leave my pasties and G-string at home.” Noah went completely red and she burst out laughing. “I don’t have pasties and G-strings. That club? It wasn’t that bad.”
    “Just out of curiosity, what was your part?” he asked.
    “Well,” she said, rolling her eyes upward. “That’s the interesting thing—sometimes a certain costume or look does more for the guys than being totally naked. The two most popular outfits were the cheerleading costume and the candy striper’s costume. The men—they really go for pom-poms.” Ellie looked at Noah. “Hey—are you all right?”
    “Fine. I’m fine,” Noah said weakly. He’d been in his share of strip clubs, but not for a while. And he hadn’t had much female companionship lately, either. Until today, he hadn’t realized how much he missed that. “Now, try that pie.”
    “Thanks,” she said. “Are you just doing this to be nice?”
    “Pretty much. Are you conning me?”
    “Out of a job that’s really hard and pays practically nothing?” she asked. “Why? So I can steal and hock a crucifix? Please. If I could figure out how to con someone, I’d go after that judge. What a jackass he turned out to be. Oops. Sorry. I’m going to have to work on my language, huh?”
    “Probably,” Noah grumbled.
    After finishing their pie, Noah and Ellie stood, shook hands, and she left. Noah took the empty plates and cups over to Jack at the bar.
    “She seemed a lot happier when she left than when she came in, if you know what I mean,” Jack said.
    “She assumed she wouldn’t get the job at the church,” Noah said. “Not exactly church-secretary material, I guess.”
    “I guess,” Jack said. “Nice-enough girl, though.”
    “She needs a job,” Noah said.
    “That a fact?”
    “What she needs is a break. And it turns out she has all the qualifications.”
    Jack grinned. “I couldn’t help but notice.”
    Noah sat on a stool. “Better give me a beer….”
    “You bet. What’s your pleasure?”
    “I’m flexible.”
    Jack drew him a cold draft. “You gave her the job, didn’t you?”
    “I did,” Noah

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