. Then again it’s not like either of them would expect much assistance. They’re the type who don’t believe in crying and think whiskey is the cure to just about anything. They’d never drink on the job, but that’s about the only place they draw the line.
“Um, I don’t know,” I say, honestly. Is he allowed to sit up or should I force him to lie in the dirt until we know the extent of his injuries? I turn to Bailey. “Can you go grab Dr. Phillips from the spa?”
She narrows her eyes. “He’s a cosmetic dentist. I really don’t think now is the time for an emergency tooth-whitening procedure.”
I wave my hand around. “Oh, no, not that one. The other one. Dr. Franks or whatever.”
“Dr. Franc. He’s an acupuncturist. I don’t think Landon’s in need of stress relief. …”
“Seriously, Bailey, just go to the spa and grab the first person you see with ‘Dr.’ on their name tag, please? Our options are a little limited.”
“Okay, okay,” she mutters, putting her hands up in a surrender pose. I watch as she jogs across the arena and then slips between two iron railings.
“And you two. Go find Marshall,” I say. The barn boss must know what to do in case of an accident, right?
But once they’re all gone, I’m alone with Landon and more uncertain than ever.
“Can I please sit up? I think my ears are full of dirt,” Landon grumbles.
I glance back toward the spa, wondering how long it will be before Bailey returns. Landon does look a little ridiculoussprawled out in the dirt. “Uh, I guess,” I say. “But don’t stand yet. We need to wait for the doctor.”
He reaches for my arm and I can’t help but assist him, until he’s sitting up and oddly … leaning on me. I guess he forgot about our fight last night, or maybe his head is pounding so hard he just doesn’t care.
We sit there for a second while he gains his bearings, and then he frowns, rubbing his temple. “I feel like I got kicked in the head by Twister.”
“Uh, except they got rid of Twister, like, a year ago.”
He laughs and then grimaces. “I saw him yesterday,” he says. “Out in the west field with the heifers.”
I open my mouth to argue, because there’s no way he saw a bull that’s been gone for almost a year, and the heifers aren’t even in that field right now, but then realize it’s stupid. Who cares about a bull? He probably just rattled some screws loose, and he’ll remember soon.
“You’re really cute when you’re worried,” he says, wincing again.
What the? Is he so focused on playing me he’ll do it even over a major head injury? I don’t know what to say to him, so I just snap my mouth shut and grit my teeth, looking forward to moving away from him once he’s been taken care of.
“Oh good, she’s coming back already,” I say as I spot a little white golf cart approaching the side of the arena, Bailey riding shotgun beside a guy in a silver button-down shirt and baby-blue tie.
We wait as Bailey jumps out, followed by the guy I hope is a doctor, despite his lack of white coat or stethoscope. The mankneels in front of Landon, and I get to my feet, standing next to Bailey.
“Bailey tells me you took a spill,” he says. “I’m going to check your pupils for dilation, okay?”
Before Landon can react, the man shines a bright light directly into Landon’s eye, causing him to blink rapidly before pulling back and rubbing his eyes.
Without saying anything, the doctor runs one of his hands into Landon’s thick blond hair, as if to check for bumps. When he pulls his hand back, Landon’s hair is sticking up on one side. “Any dizziness?”
“A little.”
“That’s normal. If it persists or gets worse, then you should be worried. Headache?”
“Pounding,” Landon says, rubbing at his temple.
“Also normal.”
Marshall ambles over then, not looking at all in a hurry. He stops next to me just as the doctor stands. “If he starts breathing unevenly, becomes confused and
Kenneth Robeson, Lester Dent, Will Murray