Follow Me
exhaled. ‘That’s not what I meant. I could arrest you for breaking and entering, contaminating a crime scene, impersonating a forensics officer!’ This was unbelievable.
    ‘Oh yeah.’ Freddie rolled the SOCO suit down her legs and over her shoes. The colour back and fiery in her cheeks. ‘Then why don’t you?’
    Nasreen thought of Freddie’s mum, Lorna Venton, was she still in her neat little house trying to keep it together while her husband was off drinking? Was Freddie’s alcoholic father still alive? How would the gentle woman, who used to give her an ice lolly if she grazed her knee, cope if her daughter was arrested as well? ‘I won’t. But only to spare your mum the shame.’
    Freddie turned to look behind her, her attention already shifted. ‘Is the DLR that way?’
    ‘The Docklands Light Railway, or is public transport too good for you now you’re a copper, Nas?’
    All those years mourning the loss of their friendship, but instead of the warm-hearted fearless girl she remembered, here was an entitled loud-mouthed stranger. What an idiot she’d been. Nasreen’s cheeks flamed. ‘The station’s that way.’
    ‘See you later,
Sergeant Cudmore
.’ Freddie gave a fake salute.
    Nasreen closed her eyes. It was like a bad dream. When she opened them Freddie was gone. She headed back to 39 Blackbird Road. DCI Moast’s flask of tea cold in her pocket. She never wanted to see Freddie Venton ever again.

Chapter 5
OMG – Oh My God
    Saturday 31 October
    ‘Neil, it’s Freddie Venton here. Give me a call as soon as you get this. I booked myself onto that Asiana flight.’ Freddie heard the screech and rumble of an approaching DLR and picked up pace. It was the first dead body she’d seen. And it turned out adrenaline was more effective than espresso. She easily caught the 6:08.
    A ride on the DLR would normally mean sitting in the front, driverless carriage and pretending to steer, but there wasn’t time for that today. Away from the body she was fine.
She was fine.
The Citymapper app on her phone confirmed she could pick up the 277 bus at Westferry. She pulled up Alun Mardling’s Twitter account: what else could she find out about him? She read his bio:
    This is my cage for when
    I’ve been naughty and they’ve
    closed my other account down.
    Saying it like it is.
    167 followers. Hardly any followers at all, at least that was something. They were still all shitbags.
    What kind of idiots follow this kind of abusive drivel? Freddie clicked onto his followers list. More skulls and crossbones.
More old white dudes giving the bird.
Oh yeah, subversive.
She scanned the names: Stephen Anderson (@Stalker77), Vernon Jones (@MenzRites), Dave Injustice (@TruthNBalls).
A twat clique. A twique.
She clicked through their tweets discussing 16-year-old Paige Klinger.
    From @Stalker77 (37-year-old schoolteacher, head of department, married, one daughter aged 2, real name: Andrew):
    @TheDestroyer76 u told that skanky ho. Stuck up rich girls get on my fucking dick. Whining on. Rape is least of her worries.
    From @TheDestroyer76 (suburban bank manager, divorced, 42, sits on local hospice board, real name: Richard):
    @Stalker77 left-wing cock sucking slut should work for a fucking living. Death to whores!!!!!
    From @BurnyMe (19-year-old Economics student, single, real name: Emily):
    @Stalker77 @TheDestroyer12 Fuckin cunts don’t deserve rape. Burn the mother fuckerz flesh of.
    Nice guys, real friendly. Kind you’d take home to your mum.
    She scrolled through the rest of Alun Mardling’s followers: more of the same. Then something caught her eye. The train jolted, the phone shook in her hand, air caught in her throat. She must have made a mistake. She refocused on the screen. Looked again at the list of followers: at one particular follower. Freddie felt her stomach fall away. With a shaking hand, she clicked on the follower’s profile

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