Shocking a cop was causing a conflict between
his old world and primal self. Kade had felt that same conflict embracing the stolen
ambulance. He knew that it would serve his group better than shuttling comas to
the hospital, but at the same time he had taken away someone’s safety blanket. He
doubted these would be the last conflicts he had to face, but the Primal Age would
take more adjusting than he had thought.
    X arrived with Victoria and Mick in tow.
    “You can’t Taze a cop,” Mick said upon seeing his comrade on the ground.
    “I just did. And if you hadn’t got yourself pinched I wouldn’t have had to,” X replied.
    “Did you even try talking to him and explaining the situation?”
    “I figured if he hadn’t believed whatever you told him, what chance would I have?
I’m not a man for diplomacy; I’m a man of action.”
    “The longer we stand here the more danger we put the others in,” Kade said.
    X stepped over the Taser wires and left the station. Victoria followed X, but Mick
stayed beside his fellow officer.
    “Can I ask him?” Mick said to Kade.
    Kade nodded.
    Mick knelt so he could see the cop’s eyes. “I know what I am about to tell you is
going to sound crazy, but everything we know has changed. Most of the country is
either dead or monsters. You should come with us.”
    “I won’t be party to whatever scheme you guys are pulling. I’ve seen all your faces.
You just wait until the other units get back.”
    “No one will be coming.” Mick pressed his hand to the cold floor and stood, taking
a deep breath to clear his mind. “Last chance.”
    “I can’t wait to see the look on your face when we arrest you.”
    Kade set the Taser between the officer’s shoulder blades, then ushered Mick through
the door.
    “Forget about it, bud. You tried,” Kade said as they split for opposite vehicles.
    “Yeah. We tried,” Mick replied, avoiding his friend’s eyes as he climbed into the
driver’s seat of the cop car.
    Kade felt a pang of worry for his friend’s ability to cope with the realities of
what they would have to face in the Primal Age.

    Kade regrouped his friends and they began their journey shortly after four a.m. The
had proceeded smoothly, no signs of foamers, and they only had to navigate around
two road blockages.
    Sunrise neared as the convoy approached their first scheduled stop. Kade tried not
to get comfortable with the time they were making, knowing that at any moment, they
could be faced with a major obstacle.
    “You should have let someone else go after Mick,” Tiny said.
    Kade leaned his tired head against the bus seat. “Why?”
    “We can’t lose you.”
    “I’m the only one of us that’s already dead. Might as well be the one in harm’s way.”
    Tiny’s warm eyes drew him in like a set of magnets. “You’re the one everyone is looking
to. The Primal Age is no longer a fun idea to kick around while you drink and watch
movies. This is for real. Like it or not, we need you.”
    He creaked back into the brown pleather seat with a blank look on his face.
    “Before you go all self-pitying bullshit, I’ve got a problem,” she said, glancing
at him in the mirror. “Lucas. He told me he loved me. Can you talk to him?”
    When Kade offered no response, she punched the steering wheel.
    He felt as if he had just swallowed a boiling pot of needles. It took all his strength
to keep his face from betraying him as he went through his logical disassociation.
Lucas was, in fact, not going to die of a neurodegenerative disease at a young age,
automatically making him a better candidate for Tiny.
    Lucas was the best man to lead this group, and Kade didn’t want to create a situation
where he would run the risk of losing him. He knew more than anyone on the Primal
Age. Between his knowledge and skills, he was their most valuable member. Maybe once
they were settled he could persuade Tiny into giving him a

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