Flynn guessed.
“They go at it constantly. Dev is a smart little brat and it isn ’t hard to outwit Jess if you put half your mind to it. Jess is smart enough to catch on and get even. I asked Dev to help me with Jess, figuring he’d find some way to trick him into cutting back the number of girls he sees.”
“Didn ’t work out?”
“God , no. I made the mistake of pointing out that girls are a little funny sometimes and reminding him that Jess has a serious crush on Cassie. Dev’s response was a list of drugs, prescription or simple compounds, that will make Jess temporarily impotent.”
“Um , he didn’t . . .”
“No. I explained that wasn ’t cool. He reminded me that I was the one who said Jess needed to be dealt with. Bryan explained that was going too far. We both threatened him with life and limb. Now we both watch him to make sure he’s not slipping anything to Jess. I warned Jess too, just in case.”
“Wow. ” Flynn wasn’t really sure how to take that. “So Dev is officially off the Jess problem?”
“Oh , hell yeah.”
“Just wanted to be sure. Ah , well, that kind of threw me off track. Note to self, watch Dev.”
“Especial ly when Teri enters the picture,” Kenny reminded him.
“Now there ’s a situation I didn’t want to consider.” Flynn felt a headache coming on. He took a deep breath and tried to push it aside. “That’s a problem for another day.
“Moving on to your image: Dev looks like he stepped out of an Oskar Viktor ad. He’s standing right next to Jess, who doesn’t. Do you have an image in mind yet?”
Kenny shrugged. “Dev always looks like that. He has a uniform if it ’s a school day, but he hardly ever wears jeans or T-shirts anymore. Jess will dress up if there’s a girl involved, so if I tell him there are hundreds of girls involved he’ll wear anything I tell him to. I can’t play in a dress shirt and slacks though, it feels weird and Bryan can’t either. We’ve tried, it just throws us off. Jess prefers not to, but he will.”
“So casual then. ”
“Except Dev. Ties are his comfort zone and I don ’t want to mess with that.”
“Agreed. Okay , so not a unified look. Of course Dev and Jess are like yin and yang and visually that just emphasizes it. I noticed Dev has his hair neatly trimmed as opposed to Jess’s longer hair. I thought maybe school had something to do with it, but I guess not.”
“No , and I never complained that Jess was the only blond. It makes him stand out just a little more.” Kenny hesitated.
“Ask. ”
“What did Paul tell you? ”
“About the band? A bit , but a lot of the information I had coming in was from Teri.”
“He didn ’t see the fighting was helping Dev.”
“He didn ’t know to see it for what it was. It doesn’t completely solve the problem, either. Paul saw Dev as shy, possibly intimidated by girls. Dev doesn’t have to worry about being mobbed by girls while he’s playing. That happens later.”
“Girls will still be a problem. ”
“He ’s fifteen, give the kid a break.”
“He ’ll be sixteen in a few months, the end of April. Jess and I turn twenty this summer.”
“Don ’t rush it, Kenny. I want to get you in a studio this summer, but even if everything goes smoothly, you won’t be doing many live shows for a while. Bryan and Dev are still in school.”
“ Bryan graduates in June.”
“Even so , you aren’t signed yet and it takes time to get the real tour opportunities. You could do small demo shows, but you can’t hit clubs because you’re all under the drinking age. It gives us time to work out some bugs first. Let Dev grow up a bit more.”
Kenny nodded and looked at the basement stairs. “Ideas on what to do about Jess?”
“A few. I w ant to get to know him better first.”
“What are you thinking? ”
“To begin with , he might regret the promiscuity later. It’s not uncommon if you make it in the industry. He’s just ahead of the