Flight of the Phoenix
to his knees. Greasle was already at the tent opening, peeking out. He joined her. "What is that?"
    She wiped an oily tear from her eye. "Don't know."
    Nate stepped outside and saw Aunt Phil standing nearby. The music grew louder and she pointed to the horizon.
    [I mage: Aunt Phil and Nate looking at the phoenix.]
    Nate could make out a bright shape against the darkening sky.
    "The phoenix!" he whispered.
    "The phoenix," Aunt Phil agreed. "Shh, now. We don't want to startle it."
    Nate stood transfixed as the brilliant red and gold bird approached. The phoenix swooped into the oasis area, its tail feathers streaming behind like an orange comet. Sweet, soaring music filled the air as the phoenix circled overhead once, before landing on a palm tree.
    As the last of the setting sun's golden rays spread across the desert, the phoenix gave a final burst of song, then erupted into flames.
    Nate gasped in surprise. Greasle squeaked and dived under the nearest bedroll. Nate watched the pillar of fire in stunned silence. He hadn't truly believed Aunt Phil. Not really. Not until this minute. But there really were magical beasts in this world. And he really would get to help take care of one. This was turning out much better than he had imagined!
    As they continued to watch, the flames crackled yellow,
    then orange, then red. There was a flash of green flame just before the fire died out.
    Now that the fire was silent, Nate heard a noise--a low rumbling sound. Almost like thunder. He looked up to the ridge above the oasis, and fear punched him in the belly.
    Outlined against the dusky sky, a score of men riding camels galloped toward them, their curved swords drawn. Afraid, Nate quickly slipped back into the tent and hoped they hadn't seen him.
    Chapter Ten
    "The Bedouin, " N ate heard Aunt Phil whisper. Peeking out through the tent flap, he watched them approach. The leader halted his camel and dismounted, then strode toward Aunt Phil.
    He studied her suspiciously. "Are you a Turk?"
    "No," Aunt Phil replied. "I am a Fludd. Perhaps you've heard of us?"
    The leader shook his head. "No Fludds here. You are trespassing and must leave."
    "You speak English?" Aunt Phil sounded surprised.
    "We fought with British soldiers against the Turks. In the Great War, many years ago."
    "Ah, I see. Well, there is no war now, and I am just a scientific observer," she said.
    "You are still trespassing," the leader repeated. "This oasis belongs to us." Anger flashed in his eyes. "You must leave."
    Aunt Phil shook her head. "I'm very sorry, but I can't leave until I've done what I came for."
    "Are you refusing?" He sounded as if he couldn't quite believe it. Nate couldn't either.
    "Yes. I really must insist that I stay. But it will be only for a short while."
    Instead of answering, the Bedouin leader shouted out instructions to his men. They began to descend upon Aunt Phil. She took one look at the advancing men, then turned back to their leader. "Very well, then. I ask that you grant me hospitality."
    A murmur of surprise rose up from the group. The leader narrowed his eyes and gave Aunt Phil an assessing look. "You know of Bedouin hospitality?"
    Aunt Phil nodded.
    [I mage: The Bedouin leader and Aunt Phil talking.]
    "I know if anyone, friend or enemy, asks for Bedouin hospitality, you are honor bound to grant them food, water, and shelter for three days."
    The Bedouin leader did not look happy that she knew this. He looked around the oasis. "You are alone?"
    Aunt Phil hesitated but a second before nodding. "Yes, I am alone."
    "Very well. Our code of honor demands we grant you hospitality. But only for three days. After that, you will experience Bedouin justice for your crime of trespassing." His voice was harsh, and Nate wondered what exactly Bedouin justice would be.
    They waited while Aunt Phil mounted her camel, and then they led her camel and Shabiib from the oasis. At the ridge, Aunt Phil paused and looked back over her

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