he pinned me to the truck. "Then leave. Get your ass in the truck and don't look back."
There was anger in his voice, but the thick hoarseness underlying it betrayed the chink in his coldness toward me. "No," I whispered. "I'm not going anywhere."
"The fuck you aren’t. You’re not welcome here, Lola." He spat his words, which were full of grit, sand blasting me with his desire to get rid of me. But he thrust his arm around my waist, and spun me so that I had to throw out my hands to brace myself against the truck. The heat of him scorched me through my dress. His erection pressed into the curve of my ass as he gripped a handful of my hair in his fist and tugged my head to the side. Even while I winced from the sharp pain of him pulling my hair, my insides flamed with desire. My breath snagged in my throat as his mouth consumed mine, bruising my lips. The roughness of his stubble scratched at me while he pushed his tongue into my mouth and took what he wanted. Tilting my head more, I surrendered to his possession. When he pulled back, he ran his lips down the side of my throat, nipping at me before he captured my skin between his teeth and bit down hard enough to draw blood, leaving the mark of his teeth in my fragile flesh.
Straining against him, I ached to feel him inside me. "I want you."
"You want me? You sure about that, sweetheart?" Bitterness twisted his words, and I realized I'd voiced my desire out loud, but I didn’t care. I wanted him however I could get him.
My voice trembled over the word. “Yes.”
His hand slipped underneath my dress, grasping my ass, squeezing it before he ripped my thong from me. "Spread your legs for me."
His words speared my core, and I planted my feet wide, allowing him access to the slick heat he conjured. Quickly fumbling with the zipper on his jeans, he sheathed himself in a condom before he yanked the back of my dress, pulling it up so he could plunge into me. Fingers digging into my hips, he dragged me back against him over and over again. I panted, struggling to keep from collapsing against the truck while he hammered into me, his breath coming in audible grunts. God, I’d missed him. Missed the way his body made me feel. My insides quivered as the heat burned into an ache that filled me until I burst with it. He growled behind me, his muscles bunching. Squeezing my hips he came hard, harsh hot breaths tickling the nape of my neck. Then he jerked away from me, doing up his pants while I quietly adjusted my dress.
I wanted to reach out and touch him, to reassure myself that he was real, that I wasn’t dreaming, but his words stopped me in my tracks. "You’re leaving, Lola, because when he sees my mark on your neck, that guy isn’t going to want anything to do with you."
My heart dipped at his cruelty, and I twisted around to push my palms into his chest. "Get the hell away from me."
He staggered back and for a second pain crossed his features before he steeled his expression and sneered. "I’m going to be on your ass every minute of every day until you work out you’re not wanted here." A shoulder strap tore from my shirt as he yanked the front of it and slammed his mouth against mine in a kiss that left me shaking all over. "So you may as well leave now."
Then he turned his back on me and strode down the driveway. I climbed into the truck and started it up. Tears formed and trembled in my eyelashes, and I swiped at them as I backed out of the drive. God help me, I still wanted the bastard.
Chapter Seven
A war raged inside me as I stalked down the drive. My chest was on fire and my blood pounded through my veins. Hands clenched tightly to my sides, I tried not to explode. Lola had been a temptation I should have run from. Rubbing my temples with trembling fingers, I couldn’t escape the disgust twisting my gut.
I wasn’t a bad guy. So what if I refused to let another woman get under my skin? So what if every woman was fair game until they were no
Bathroom Readers’ Institute