First to Die

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Book: Read First to Die for Free Online
Authors: Kate Slayer
Tags: USA
of yours, and kiss your ass."
    The chief looked at me with wild eyes, and jumped up from his chair. "Bradford, you and Kelly will lead the case. The rest of you, any and all information will be filtered through them as we move forward. Any questions?" Not a word was spoken. "Great job, everyone, and keep your eyes and ears open," he said, leaving the room.
    Ward was the next to get up from his chair. He stomped across the room and pulled the door hard enough to put a dent in the wall. I had embarrassed him, but he’d hit me with the first punch. I could hear him ranting about something as he headed back to his office. The rest followed politely with, “Thank you,” and nods as they left the room. Most of the time, I didn't feel like I belonged to their secret club. The first and only female on the force and I had a detective's badge.
    I felt like I needed to do cartwheels off the roof to get them to pay attention and not brush me off with the wave of a hand. I knew that they respected me but I was well aware that they felt that this wasn't a place for women. It didn't matter how well I did or how hard I tried. It never felt like it was enough. I had invaded their boys’ club and they didn't like it.
    Jason leaned back in his chair and rested his feet on the corner of the conference table while I organized the file and made a few notes. "Fuck Ward," Jason yelled across at me. I nodded with agreement and continued to write. I peeked up at him a few times and caught a glimpse of him staring at me. I couldn't tell if it was the I want you stare or what the hell is taking you so long stare.
    I finished the initial report and flipped through the stack of papers that Stella had given me and pulled out a flimsy, tarnished newspaper clipping from the Daily News . I read the headline and froze. My heart flipped over and shot a pain through the left side of my chest. "Shit." My voice took a dive below the normal depths.

Chapter 7
    J ason rocked back-and-forth in his chair and laughed. "What is it, a death threat from Ward?"
    "No, although it wouldn't surprise me. It's an old newspaper article. Come over here."
    "Be careful what you ask for," He said, jumping out of his chair like something bit him on the ass. "I knew you'd come around." He slid his fingers along the rim of my pants.
    "Stop it." I couldn't help but laugh. "Listen." I picked up the article and read it out loud. "Daily News, RIVERVIEW RESIDENTS CHILLED TO THE BONE, HARPER MURDER RUNS COLD.” The headline was yelling at me and I heard the familiar ringing in my ears.
    "I don't remember anything about that." Jason said.
    "Me, either, but it's the same time my mom left.”
    "I'm sorry." Jason frowned at me.
    "I know, but it was a long time ago. I still wonder what happened, but I was too young to understand any of it. By the time I could, nobody would talk about it." I took a long, deep breath.
    "I know, I’ve tried to get them to tell me, but I could never get them to talk."
    "I appreciate it, I really do." I said.
    He leaned in and looked over my shoulder as I continued to read. There was no use fighting him. He had me locked in.
    "Okay, listen to this." I said. "Louise Harper thought that a day at the annual Summer festival would be like all the others. Hand-squeezed lemonade, music, and friends. She told her sister, Angie Harper, currently residing in Atlanta, GA, that she was going to participate in the silent auction for local charities and spend the day walking around the artists’ booths. Her plans were to have a quiet dinner at home and go to bed early. She had an interview the next day at a law firm downtown. She never showed up. Louise Harper’s body was found four days later in her home in the historical district, when her sister called the Riverview Police Department and requested a welfare check." I felt the blood draining out of my cheeks.
    "I can't believe this." My eyes darted around the last few lines. "They expected to find her at home nursing the

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