Fire Country
mother’s eyes. I hurt for her, wish there was another way.
    Breeders .
    The word pops into my head like a burrow mouse from its hole. Lara’s word, not mine. But it’s true, ain’t it? Naw, I can’t think like that—not when it’s only months ’fore my Call.
    Something thuds against my shin. I cringe and almost hiss out Ouch! ’fore I catch myself and remember where I am. I glance at Circ, who’s shaking his head. He’s the one who kicked me. I don’t know how much time has passed while I was lost in my thoughts, but all t’other Younglings are standing up and leaving our open air Learning hut.
    “Try to focus, Siena,” Circ says. “I know it’s hard, but I don’t think either of us want s Blaze Craze again, nor face the wrath of our fathers.” By the wrath of our fathers he means the wrath of my father. He got away with a warning and a secret pat on the back for standing up to three Younglings at the same time, while I got the beating of my life.
    I realize Circ’s asked me a question, but I didn’t hear it, just see his face full of expectation. “Huh?” I say.
    “Are you daydreaming about daydreaming now?” he says.
    “Was that the original question or a new one?” I ask, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.
    Circ laughs and it’s like we’re not Younglings on the verge of major changes in our lives. We’re new Younglings again, or maybe Midders, with not a care in the world. Life is fun and I ain’t scared of my father and the future holds more possibilities’n living with strangers, a flock of children in tow.
    “It was a new question. I asked what you were thinking about when I snapped you out of it,” he says.
    “Ugh. Don’t say that wor d. Just hearing it makes my flesh hurt,” I say, reaching a hand over my shoulder to gingerly touch my back. Even through the dress my skin feels raw, like someone’s rubbed it with sand, or maybe rope.
    “ It’s not right the way he beats on you,” he says.
    “Like you’ve never been snapped,” I say.
    “Not like you,” he says, shaking his head. “A few snaps to the wrist and Father’s done. He says it hurts him worse than it hurts us, and I believe him, too. But your father…” He trails off, looking away.
    “He likes it as much as I hate it?” I offer.
    “Something like that,” Circ says.
    “Don’t worry about it. I can handle him. And s aying something to someone’ll just make it worse.”
    Circ l ooks at me for a long moment, then changes the subject. “Honestly, though, you did look like you had gone far, far away. You were smiling at first, but then frowning.”
    I scowl at him. “Must you read my expressions when I’m daydreaming?” I say.
    “I must,” Circ says, laughing again. “But you’re dodging the question. What were you thinking about?”
    There’s heat on my cheeks. “I was just…” My mind races to come up with something. But I don’t lie to Circ—never have, never will—and my mind knows it, so it just goes blank.
    “Were just what?” he persists. I wish he’d drop it, but that’s not the way our friendship works.
    I look around. We’re alone now—everyone’s left, even Teacher M as. “I was thinking what it’d be like if you were my Call.” Dropping my head, I study my feet, noticing how small they look from up here.
    “That’s not—”
    “Hey, Siena!” a voice shouts from the entrance. I turn to see Lara poking her head in. Across the room and out of the glare of the afternoon sun, she really looks like a boy.
    “What?” I say, glancing at Circ, who looks surprised that someone else is talking to me.
    “Have you thought about what I said to you the other day?” Lara says.
    I wince, not because I haven’t, but because I have.
    “I’ll see you at the game,” I say to Circ. To Lara, I say, “Walk with me.”
    I avoid her question all the way to the feetball match. She prods and pokes and rephrases it a dozen different ways, but I just keep

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