Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)

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Book: Read Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1) for Free Online
Authors: Kiara Delaney
that fits my mood; "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" by Set It Off. The
playful beginning of the song fuels my madness, as I feel a fresh wave of
deviousness setting in. My mind immediately races back to the phone call I'd
had earlier with Jordan. Who was he talking to on the other end? He said he was
on a date. He hadn't mentioned a new toy in his life. Then again, Jordan
doesn't toy with women. If he only knew how easy they were to play with, he'd
be getting laid left and right.
    But why the
secrecy? I was working myself up into a maddening panic just thinking of his deception.
I fucking hate liars. I'm no choir boy, and yeah, I've used a line or two to
pick up chicks, but I don't have to lie to get in their pants. I make no
promises, and though they might expect more up front, I tell them how it is as
soon as the deed is done...I don't fucking string them along. The last thing I
need is a clinger.
    As I busied
myself behind the bar, lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard the back door
wrench open, and then slam shut. It was about fucking time he showed up. A few
moments later when Jordan walked around the corner, tying his apron, I stood
stoically staring at him, one hand placed on the bar, the other on my hip,
ready to rip him a new asshole, even though he hadn't made eye contact with me
yet. The seconds ticked by in silence as I waited for him to look at me. He
finished tying his apron, gave me a quick glance and a wide smile, and brushed
past me, setting to his tasks. Really? He's just
gonna blow me off...and with a big goofy grin plastered on his motherfucking
face? Oh HELL NO!
    My blood was
boiling as I slowly turned and stared at him in disbelief for a long moment
while he continued to cut lemons and prepare garnishes for drinks. Feeling my
stare, I'm sure, he finally looked over to me, innocently, doing a double take
before realizing not all was well. "Hey, man, you ok?" he asked with
    I chuckled
obnoxiously, lowering my head and running my hand through my already mussed
hair before bringing my stinging gaze back to his confused one. "Am I ok? " I gritted out through clenched teeth.
"Listen here, you little punk," I bit out as I stalked towards him
while he turned to face me, confusion marring his face. "You've got some
fucking nerve hanging up on me, Jordan. You think I'm your bitch?" I asked
as I got within an inch of his face. I could see he was getting angry...good. I
was in the mood for a fight. "That's it, huh? You think I'm your bitch, huh, Jord. You got
somethin' to say? 'Cause I'm nobody's goddamn bitch, motherfucker! You wanna go
now?" Jordan looked at me like I had hit him with a two by four. I was he would know what I felt like earlier today when he had lied to me.
He lowered his head, shook it back and forth, threw his rag on the counter and
took a step back from me. "That's what I thought," I ground out.
Continuing, I spewed, "Now who's the bitch?" and spit at his feet.
    "You know
what, Kellan," he retorted, "you're fucked in the head." I
laughed maniacally. He shook his head before going on. "All you care about
is yourself, you selfish prick!"
    "What did
you just call me?" Now he had done it. Nobody, and I mean nobody gets away with talking down
to me. I got enough of it when I lived where the sad, sorry excuse for a sperm
donor caged me in for fifteen years before I stood up for myself and knocked
his goddamn teeth down his throat and then packed my shit and left for good.
I've been on my own ever since, and I've never taken anyone's shit since then;
I'm not about to start now. If Jordan wanted a piece of me, he was gonna get
the beat down of his life.
    He postured and
made towards me as he said, "You heard me, Kellan. It's time somebody has the nerve to..."
    I cocked my
fist and hit him square in the jaw, knocking him a good three feet backwards as
he stumbled, trying to regain his balance, shaking his head back and forth from
the impact. My knuckles hurt

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