Jessica Alba.” Rick had claimed Belle the previous February; it was now nearly June. She’d been Luna for over a year now, and Dave had a good idea how she’d react to her mate’s obsession with Ms. Alba. “You’ve got a ways to go before then.”
“I know, but maybe I’ll get one of them for Christmas.” Rick winked, as happy and carefree as Dave ever got to see his best friend. But that carefree expression didn’t last long. “Listen. Whatever Ben’s planning, he’s obviously not ready to claim you yet. Go and enjoy your vacation. The women will torture him, you’ll get some sun, and maybe he’ll have gotten his head out of his ass by then.”
Dave shook his head. “I don’t know. At this point I’m not sure if I want his head on straight or if I should just look for a second mate.”
Rick looked shocked. “Are you serious?”
Dave shrugged. “It would be a fresh start with someone new, someone who doesn’t have the baggage Ben and I do. And besides, bloody chunks of meat aside, can you honestly say Ben wants me?”
Rick opened his mouth to reply, but there was nothing really to be said. All games aside, Dave was pretty sure this was Ben’s way of taking care of his poor, wounded mate. Dave would lay odds it was Ben’s wolf that had pushed him into it too.
Well, if Dave got a second mate, Ben’s wolf could take a flying leap. He’d have someone to take care of him, thank you very much, and Ben could sit alone and miserable in his cabin while Dave boned and got boned every damn night for the rest of his life.
“The week I head to Florida?”
“Yeah?” Rick was giving him a strange look, but Dave couldn’t figure it out.
“It’s Gay Pride Week.” He smiled, aware of how sad it looked. He really wished, from the bottom of his heart, that his mate was going with him. They could ogle all the pretty men during the day and wrestle naked at night. But Ben wasn’t going to Disney World, and it was past time for Dave to stop dreaming.
“Dave. You’re my best buddy. You’re like the annoying little brother I never had and still don’t want. I want you to know that I say this with love in my heart for you.”
Dave winced.
“You’re a dumb ass.”
Dave picked the hose back up and sprayed down his Alpha. He had two weeks until he left for Florida. Dave ran for it, laughing as Rick snapped at him, that long red hair dripping into the Alpha’s eyes. By the time he left Rick would have forgiven him.
Two days later, when a bucket of water was dumped on his head from one of the balconies surrounding the hotel accompanied by a soft “Gotcha!” he knew he’d been right.
“Florida? What is Dave planning on doing in Florida?”
“Visiting Mickey Mouse.”
Ben pinched the bridge of his nose. Ever since he’d come back from New York the Luna had been particularly bitchy. Dave wasn’t himself, even Ben knew that. Dave was rarely this quiet, but Ben had barely heard a peep out of the normally laughing Beta. It was like the sun was hidden behind impenetrable clouds, and Ben wasn’t the only one suffering from lack of light.
Now the Beta was taking two weeks’ vacation. Not that Ben would know anything about that since Dave was still avoiding him like the plague. Hell, the other night after the Pack meeting, when everyone else had changed for a good run, Dave had turned and gone back to the main house, still fully dressed, still human.
Ben had, for a split second, thought of following him. They’d be alone at the big house, with no interference from the Pack females. He could confront him, apologize, and finally claim him as his own. The gifts hadn’t worked. It was time for direct confrontation, and Ben was more than ready to get this settled between them.
Then the air horn had gone off next to his ear, and by the time his hearing had returned he’d been alone in the great circle. The order was clear, even if the delivery method was cruel: stay away from the Beta or suffer