Fervor (The Fervor Chronicles Book 1)

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Book: Read Fervor (The Fervor Chronicles Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Lynn Carmer
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, steamy, Fire, King, Princess, ice
staring. A flying guard landed inches from her, and still she did not step back. The Giant must have heard her because his body. Finally, she was able to look upon him.
    His face. She had thought nothing could compare to his body, but the slash of his brow and the jut of his chin had her aching for more. Even with a split lip and a black eye, he was temptation incarnate. His short, dark-red hair had patches that caught the flickering light, reminding her of a rare ruby. His eyes, they somehow matched his hair. Not black, or yellow but a whiskey brown that made her long to step just a little closer.
    Half the courtyard lay between them, but she felt his eyes traveling over her body. Strange sensations of warmth filled her chest and cheeks. The feelings confused her, made her wonder if the entire kingdom might be watching this exchange. Not trusting herself, afraid she might reveal too much, she turned away.
    Mid turn, she heard the roar. Slow motion lurched back into real time. No longer caught in the bubble of her imagination, chaos resumed and sound came flooding back. People were screaming, crying, begging for their lives. Guards grunted as they hit the ground, and the metallic smell of blood invaded her nose.
    Hearing his shout hurt her heart, but what she saw almost brought her to her knees. The giant had his head thrown back, screaming to the heavens. When his head snapped forward, his hair lifted and stood on end, undulating in strange waves over his skull. The bronze of his skin took on a luminescent glow, growing brighter by the second and his eyes…
    They changed.
    The warm whiskey color—gone. Instead, milky-white bled over his eyes, obscuring pupil and cornea.
    His palms cupped his eyes, and he crouched momentarily until the guards pounced. Ten men piled on top and in a burst of light, the group flew back, singed and burned from the light.
    Lightning had flown from his skin!
    Caprice heard his voice, a deep scrape just above a whisper. “I can’t see. I can’t see!”
    One step at a time, he lumbered forward, unsteady on his feet. He grabbed the nearest guard, used him for support, and then tossed him aside. He lifted his nose high, as if scenting the air, and each time he finished, he’d recalibrate and came one step closer to her.
    Spotting Addy behind the curtain, Caprice picked up her skirts and ran. Never in her life had she traveled faster than a slow walk. Now she felt the danger and knew, knew deep in her heart he was after her. The thought caused a shiver to run down her spine.
    “No!” His deep voice boomed, shaking the glass dome above their heads.
    Oh gods! He was talking about her, only her. One word thrilled her straight to her heart, but it also terrified her. She didn’t plan on pausing to figure out which of the two emotions was stronger. Reaching Addy, she grabbed her by her skirt and ran toward the door on the far side of the space. The closest exit lay far across the courtyard, and it would leave them exposed to the giant and injured guards. Glancing toward the throne, she was grateful her father was long gone.
    A few of the Vendri still remained, frozen to the spot or in a heap on the floor, never having been exposed to any real danger in their isolated kingdom. Nothing in their long lives had prepared them for this melee. They were pathetic, unable to move even to save themselves. Well, she wanted to live and she’d make damn sure Addy survived as well. Princess or not, she would get them out of here.
    Firming her shoulders, they raced for their lives, just making it through the doorway moments before she heard another roar rock the castle.

Chapter 6
    T houghts bounced around her brain at a ferocious rate, so fast she could hardly focus on only one. She fought for calm. That man! She’d never seen anyone like him, so large, so beautiful.
    Caprice remained in her room through the night and into the day. A guard had informed her late last night that the wedding ceremony was

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