Fashionably Dead Down Under
you wouldn’t mind.”
    “Not a problem,” she said with a shaky smile.
“No one would believe me anyway.”
    “Awesome. Now leave so I can shower and then
stare at myself. I haven’t seen myself in a while.”
    “Will do,” she said, backing out of the
bathroom. “Will do.”

Chapter 5
    Clean as a whistle and confused as all get
out, I sat down in front of the mirror to inspect myself. I traced
my reflection and wondered if all Vamps could see themselves in
Hell or if I was so freaky I was the only one. I was yanked right
out of my pity party by voices. Female voices. Voices I didn’t
recognize. Had Dixie told my secret? Had they come to get me and
destroy me? Fuck.
    “I refuse to accept Einstein’s Snot as my
cocktail name,” an angry voice shouted.
    “That’s nothing,” another chimed in. “My
fucking cocktail name is Hobbit Nipple.”
    “You are both imbeciles,” yet another
snapped. “Mine is the worst. I’m Rancid Orgasm.”
    “But that’s actually fitting,” the first
voice squealed with glee.
    What in Satan’s name was going on out there?
I heard something explode and Dixie scream. I yanked on the sweats
that my cousin had left for me and raced from the bathroom to the
living room where two very gorgeous women were slapping the fire
out of their hair while another supermodel-looking gal laughed
hysterically. Dixie stood in the middle, clearly furious with all
of them.
    “This is exactly why I don’t invite you over
here,” she yelled and helped put the fire out on the gals sporting
the flames. She raised her hands and water shot from her
fingertips, soaking the last of the burning embers from their
    “They started it,” the one who had clearly
caused the blaze whined.
    “If the three of you weren’t addicted to
Facebook and playing those stupid name games there would be a lot
less fire in Hell,” Dixie snapped at the girls.
    “I’m not addicted,” the dry one said,
pointing at the unhappy wet ones. “Those slutty cock knobs
    “You have some nerve, you dicknose turd
waffle,” the wet one on the right screeched.
    I watched in shock as the wet one on the left
frantically scrolled for something on her phone.
    “Got it,” she said and read straight from her
phone. “You are a pie-eating fuck clown and a smelly crotch goblin.
Take that.”
    “Help me, Satan,” Dixie muttered, removing
the phone from whom I surmised was one of her sisters. Which Deadly
Sins these were I had no clue . . .
    “I’ll take that and do you one better, you
tone deaf rectum captain,” the dry one shot back.
    “Enough,” Dixie ground out through clenched
teeth. “These are disgusting and you all sound like uneducated
idiots. I mean really—an insult creator on Facebook? For real? All
of you are at least a thousand years old.”
    Wow, these chicks were ancient.
    “And now that you’ve made asses of yourselves
in front of our cousin, let me introduce you.”
    Three sets of eyes shot to me and examined me
so intensely I grew uncomfortable. Their fascination wasn’t
unexpected, but it was loaded. With what? I wasn’t sure . . .
    “Astrid, these are some of my sisters. The
two wet ones are Lust and Greed and the dry one is Envy.”
    I stood my ground and studied them with the
same razor sharp focus that they had leveled at me. I refused to be
the first to glance away. Everything here was a game and the price
for losing was high.
    It was obvious the girls were related, but by
no means were they identical. Envy, the dry one, was a stunning
brunette with golden cat eyes and a very voluptuous body. Her bosom
practically spilled from her top and her curvy figure was one that
drove men to kill.
    Greed was equally as gorgeous but different.
Her locks were auburn, but her eyes matched the others and her body
was sleeker and lankier than Envy’s. She had an air about her that
dared someone to cross her. I didn’t plan to put that theory to the
test. I’d just go with my gut on that

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