Faith (Soul Savers Book 7)
fire. The reflection of the flames danced in his eyes, looking so
much like the eyes of his father at one time.
    “Then I have to
at least try,” he said. “I don’t want my baby
sister to be a part of this war.”
    “NO! Dorian, no!”
I screamed, banging harder on the window with both fists until the
glass broke and cut through my palms and wrists.
    I prepared to dive
through, but the scene had disappeared, the window displaying a black
wall beyond it. The draperies closed on their own, and I spun around,
still shaking my fists. Blood droplets splattered on the thick
carpet. How could I even bleed, or hurt in this place, for that
    “Oh, I ensure you
feel physical pain, just as if your body were here,” Satan
replied to my silent question. “What fun would it be if you
didn’t? Emotional and mental pain is the best, but the physical
just adds an extra dimension, so to speak.” He held his hand
out to the settee I’d been sitting on before he’d opened
the view to the Earthly realm. “Sit down, won’t you?”
    I refused, standing
there with my fists on my hips, blood still dripping on his luxury
grade carpet. His finger jumped, and the bleeding stopped and the
stains disappeared. I didn’t acknowledge him.
    “This is Dorian’s
purpose, don’t you know?” Satan asked, and I only
responded by glaring at him harder, my chest rising as I heaved for
breath. “They would never tell you that, of course, but his
purpose has always been to break the curse.”
    The breath flew out of
me as though I’d been sucker-punched. Why had nobody ever told
me that? Mom, Rina, Cassandra … the blasted Angels? They’d
kept this critical piece of information to themselves! He was my son, and they couldn’t have told me this?
    “Ah.” Satan
sighed. “I love the hatred and anger burning in you.
    I pulled back, quickly
reigning in my emotions before he whipped his ugly penis out again.
    He frowned, and then
swished his wrist in the air. “Yes, that’s what they want
him to do. Something about helping you win the war and save your
daughter … blah blah blah. As if you could beat me.”
    “I lost the baby,
though,” I said, ignoring the taunts. “There is no sister
to save. He’s doing it for nothing!”
    “True. My girl
Jeana took care of that little nuisance.” Satan puffed on his
cigar, his blue eyes seemingly thoughtful. “Too bad, isn’t
it? No daughters left on Earth means no reason for the Amadis to
fight. Look how they’ve already given up.”
    He flicked his hand in
the air again, and the draperies reopened, showing another scene.
This one outside with a snowy landscape—the entrance to Hades.
Lucas stood in front of a large crowd, all of them on one knee with
their heads bowed. I identified Chandra by her shiny black hair and
spotted the eccentric hat and clothing Minh always wore. They’d
sat on my council. On Rina’s, too! And she’d tried to
make me believe there was any hope left? I shook my head with
incredulity as I recognized other faces in the crowd. In fact, I
knew, all of them were Amadis. Were being the key word. They
bowed before Lucas now. My heart shrunk to the size of a pea.
    The draperies closed.
    Satan tapped his
fingers on the arm of his chair. “So, I wonder, if there’s
nobody left to fight for or with, and there’s no reason for
Dorian to sacrifice himself, is he actually breaking the curse? Or is
he simply coming to my side like every other brother—because
it’s the right side?”
    I stared at the thick
and heavy blue curtains as I pondered this question that sounded too
much like a riddle. But the answer was not a joke or play on words. I
dropped onto the settee, emotions coiling and slithering in my
stomach like snakes. The draperies parted again, returning to the
apartment with Noah and Dorian. My son stood at the door, wearing
better fitting clothes now—how much time had passed?—and
looking over his shoulder at Noah.
    “I’ll free

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