Faith Revisited

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Book: Read Faith Revisited for Free Online
Authors: Madelyn Ford
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Vampires
He had stormed out of the keep, and Penny wavered at the door, not certain what she should do. She knew Remy would expect her presence, would want to know all that had transpired. But her heart said Raym needed her. And so Penny followed her heart.
    She set off across the bailey as the sun was just bursting over the horizon. The light seemed odd given the circumstances, out of touch with all that was occurring around her.
    Not knowing in which direction Raym traveled, she first went to the gatehouse and up the stairs to the rooms she, Raym, and Caym shared. When she found it empty, she stepped back outside, scanning across the bailey at the various outcroppings of buildings. She couldn't imagine 18
    Madelyn Ford

    why he would have headed west, as only Ridefort Tower and Zeke's studio lay in that direction.
    To the south was Tremelay Tower, which held Kash's forge and the armory. If not for the approaching daylight, she might have considered looking for Raym there. But demons dissipated with the approach of dawn, so even if he sought vengeance—and Penny was certain Raym would—he would have to wait until the sun set. That left Molay Tower and the chapel hidden within.
    The abbey, a loose replica of a Templar stronghold overlooking the Pacific Ocean, had been built by Remy some two hundred years prior as a safe haven not only for the Grigori, but to house the relics accumulated over the centuries. It served as a reminder, as did the towers named after the Grand Masters Remy and some of the others had followed, of how far they could still fall if they let greed consume them.
    Penny entered the chapel quietly and immediately sensed Raym's presence inside. His grief was overwhelming, and it damn near strangled her. Forcing herself to step farther into the darkened recesses, her gaze finally settled on him.
    He knelt upon the stone floor beneath a large cross, as still as the statue of Mary Magdalene on the windowsill, and as silent. With his chin resting on his chest and his eyes tightly closed, he mourned his twin, and Penny's heart broke in two. She longed to go to him, to take him into her arms and console him. But she knew he would only push her away.
    “I don't even have his sword to bury,” he mumbled hoarsely.
    Since their bodies, like the demons they fought, turned to dust at death, the Grigori had begun sometime in the first century to bury their fallens' swords in consecrated ground. It was a show of honor and respect for those who had given their lives for the cause.
    “Raym,” she finally whispered, his grief in addition to her own too much to take.
    “Go away, Penemuel,” he said harshly.
    “Raym, please. I can't bear it…”
    “No one asked you to,” he snarled as he turned, his gaze capturing hers.
    The eyes that bore into hers held none of their usual warmth. Now they were just dead inside, and Penny clutched a hand to her chest, covering her heart as if she could protect his cruel words from shattering it.
    “You don't belong here, Penemuel. You never have, and you never will. I wish you would just accept that you are nothing to me. Not even a sister.”
    Penny stumbled backward as Raym dismissed her, effectively cutting her from his life.
    With a sob, she fled the chapel. Without Raym, nothing else mattered. Nothing.

    * * * *
“Is someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Kash barked angrily, stopping his restless pacing as soon as Remy and Bale entered the great hall.
    Levi stood silently in the corner, partially hidden within the shadows. It was best if he were forgotten; that way he could observe how things unfolded. It helped him gain perspective, brought things more clearly into focus. He had never particularly liked Bale, had always thought him a suspicious, smug son of a bitch, and the fact that someone wanted him dead was no big surprise. He knew in Bale's mind he was the most likely suspect. The rest all seemed to truly be the brothers they claimed, which made the treachery

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