
Read Fade for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Fade for Free Online
Authors: Lisa McMann
Tags: General, Juvenile Fiction
snow off her boots, adjusting her bags, so
    she can open the door. Notices things about her house that she overlooks
    most days. Screen door with a rip in it and hanging a little bit loose on
    its hinges. Wood exterior rotting at the base, paint peeling from it. Awkward , Janie thinks, going inside, Durbin at her heels. She flips on
    the entrance light and is momentarily blinded by the brightness. She
    stops in her tracks until she can see again, and Mr. Durbin bumps into
    “Excuse me,” he says, sounding embarrassed.
    “My fault,” she says, feeling a little creeped out by having him in the
    house. She"s on her guard. Who knows? It could be him they"re after.
    They turn the corner into the shadowy kitchen. She puts her bags on the
    counter, and he sets his next to hers.
    “Thank you.”
    He smiles. “No problem. See you Monday.” He waves and heads back
    Monday. Janie"s eighteenth birthday.
    She rummages through the bags on a mission. Grabs a handful of grapes,
    rinses them off quickly, and shoves them in her mouth, craving the
    fructose rush. She starts to put things away when she hears a step behind
    She whirls around. “Jesus, Cabe. You scared the crap out of me.”
    He dangles her car keys. “I let myself in. Thought you"d be here. Heard
    an extra voice, so I hid in your room. So, who was that?” he asks. He"s
    trying to sound nonchalant. Failing miserably.
    “Are you jealous?” Janie teases.
    “Who. Was. It.” He"s enunciating.
    She raises her eyebrow. “Mr. Durbin. He saw me walking home and
    asked if I wanted a ride. He was in line behind me at the store.”
    “That"s Durbin?”
    “Yes. It was very nice of him, I thought.” Janie"s gut thinks otherwise,
    but she"s not feeling like having a work discussion with Cabel right now.
    “He"s…young. What"s he doing, picking up students? That"s odd.”
    Janie waits to see what his point is. But there doesn"t seem to be one.
    Still, she makes a mental note to record this incident in her case notebook—can"t be too cautious. Janie turns and continues to put things
    away. She"s still confused over how quiet Cabel was earlier. Doesn"t say
    “I didn"t know where you were,” he says finally.
    “Well, if I knew you were coming, I would have left a note. However,”
    she continues coolly, “I was under the impression that you were pissed
    at me. So I didn"t expect I"d see you.” She"s visibly shaking by now, and
    grabs the milk, rips open the cap, and chugs from the bottle. She sets it
    down and looks for something that won"t take long to prepare. She grabs
    a few more grapes and snarfs them.
    He"s watching her. There"s a look in his eye, and she doesn"t understand
    “Thanks for bringing my car. I really appreciate it. Did you walk all the
    way back to school?”
    “No. My brother Charlie gave me a lift.”
    “Well, thank him for me.”
    She"s got the peanut butter open now, and globs it on to a piece of bread.
    She pours some of the milk into a tall glass, grabs the sandwich, and
    slips past Cabel into the living room. Flips on the TV and squints at it.
    “You want a sandwich or something?” she asks. “Would you like to
    stay?” She doesn"t know what else to say. He"s just looking at her.
    Finally he pulls a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. Unfolds it. Turns off the TV. “Humor me for a minute,” he says. He stands directly in front of her, then turns and walks fifteen paces in
    the opposite direction. Stops and turns to face her again.
    “What the hell are you doing?”
    “Read this. Out loud, please.”
    It"s an eye chart.
    “Dude, I"m totally trying to eat, here.”
    “Read. Please.”
    She sighs and looks at the chart.
    “E,” she says. And smirks.
    He"s not laughing.
    She reads the next line.
    And the one after that. Squinting. And guessing.
    “Cover your right eye and do it again,” he says. She does it.
    “Now cover your left.”
    “Grrr,” she says. But does it.
    By memory.

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