Evil Under the Sun

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Book: Read Evil Under the Sun for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
fun. Hullo, Redfern, have one with me? What'll you have? Dry Martini? Right. What about you, Mr Poirot?”
    Poirot shook his head. Patrick Redfern sat down and said: “Sailing? It's the best fun in the world. Wish I could do more of it. Used to spend most of my time as a boy in a sailing dinghy round this coast.”
    Poirot said: “Then you know this part of the world well?”
    “Rather! I knew this place before there was a hotel on it. There were just a few fishermen's cottages at Leathercombe Bay and a tumbledown old house, all shut up, on the island.”
    “There was a house here?”
    “Oh, yes, but it hadn't been lived in for years. Was practically falling down. There used to be all sorts of stories of secret passages from the house to Pixy's Cave. We were always looking for that secret passage, I remember.”
    Horace Blatt spilt his drink. He cursed, mopped himself and asked: “What is this Pixy's Cave?”
    Patrick said: “Oh, don't you know it? It's on Pixy Cove. You can't find the entrance to it easily. It's among a lot of piled-up boulders at one end. Just a long thin crack. You can just squeeze through it. Inside it widens out into quite a big cave. You can imagine what fun it was to a boy! An old fisherman showed it to me. Nowadays, even the fishermen don't know about it. I asked one the other day why the place was called Pixy Cove and he couldn't tell me.”
    Hercule Poirot said: “But I still do not understand. What is this Pixy?”
    Patrick Redfern said: “Oh! that's typically Devonshire. There's a Pixy's Cave on Sheepstor on the Moor. You're supposed to leave a pin, you know, as a present for the Pixy. A Pixy is a kind of moor spirit.”
    Hercule Poirot said: “Ah! but it is interesting, that.”
    Patrick Redfern went on. “There's a lot of pixy lore on Dartmoor still. There are Tors that are said to be pixy-ridden, and I expect that farmers coming home after a thick night still complain of being pixy-led.”
    Horace Blatt said: “You mean when they've had a Couple?”
    Patrick Redfern said with a smile: “That's certainly the commonsense explanation!”
    Blatt looked at his watch. He said: “I'm going in to dinner. On the whole, Redfern, pirates are my favourites, not pixies.”
    Patrick Redfern said with a laugh as the other went out: “Faith, I'd like to see the old boy pixy-led himself!”
    Poirot observed meditatively: “For a hard-bitten business man, M. Blatt seems to have a very romantic imagination.”
    Patrick Redfern said: “That's because he's only half educated. Or so my wife says. Look at what he reads! Nothing but thrillers or Wild West stories.”
    Poirot said: “You mean that he has still the mentality of a boy?”
    “Well, don't you think so, sir?”
    “Me, I have not seen very much of him.”
    “I haven't really, either. I've been out sailing with him once or twice, but he doesn't really like having any one with him. He prefers to be on his own.”
    Hercule Poirot said: “That is indeed curious. It is singularly unlike his practice on land.”
    Redfern laughed. He said: “I know. We all have a bit of trouble keeping out of his way. He'd like to turn this place into a cross between Margate and Le Touquet.”
    Poirot said nothing for a minute or two. He was studying the laughing face of his companion very attentively. He said suddenly and unexpectedly: “I think, Mr Redfern, that you enjoy living.”
    Patrick stared at him, surprised. “Indeed I do. Why not?”
    “Why not indeed,” agreed Poirot. “I make you my felicitation on the fact.”
    Smiling a little Patrick Redfern said: “Thank you, sir.”
    “That is why, as an older man, a very much older man, I venture to offer you a piece of advice.”
    “Yes, sir?”
    “A very wise friend of mine in the Police Force said to me years ago: 'Hercule, my friend, if you would know tranquillity, avoid women.'”
    Patrick Redfern said: “I'm afraid it's a bit late for that, sir. I'm married, you know.”
    “I do know. You

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