Escape from the Damned (APEX Predator Book 2)

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Book: Read Escape from the Damned (APEX Predator Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: Glyn Gardner
men eat their dinner.  He could barely hear SSgt Brown leave his side.
    SSgt Brown couldn’t believe how easy this guy made it for him.  He didn’t look around him, didn’t slow down, and never looked over his shoulder.  He almost stopped, sensing an ambush once, but decided that this guy really was this bad.
    About a mile away from the vet clinic the man broke through the trees and onto a small dirt road.  Ok, now SSgt Brown knew why he wasn’t worried about being followed.  He couldn’t just go ditty bopping down the road behind the guy.  He stopped.
    The guy turned right and started walking right down the middle of the road.  SSgt Brown watched until the guy rounded a bend about 200 meters away.  He slipped out of the trees and quietly moved to peer around the bend.  He couldn’t believe what he saw.
    One hundred meters in front of him was an eight foot high concrete wall.  The road ended at a wrought iron gate.  There were several bodies on the ground in front of the gate.  There was an iron sign above the gate.  SSgt Brown could just barely make it out: “Valhalla.”  That makes sense.  Thor is the Norse god of war and Valhalla is where Viking warriors go when they die in battle.
    That also explained the ex-military guys.  This could be some survivalist camp.  He needed to find out.  He watched the front gate for an hour.  Nothing moved except the gate guard.  There didn’t seem to be any light coming from behind the wall, but he could smell smoke.
    He decided he needed to see the rest of the wall.  After another hour, he could tell it was tall, hard, and nobody had cleared the brush from around it.  The perimeter was a total of about a mile around.  The only noises he heard were crickets, locusts, birds, and once a woman’s scream.   That confirms where that kid’s sister was taken.
    He found a tree close to the north side of the wall.  What the hell, he decided.  He climbed high enough to see over.  He couldn’t believe what he saw.  There was a big pink ranch style house in the center of the compound, with a circular driveway leading past it.  There was some sort of out building, like a servant’s quarters or something on the west side of the compound.  The plants were what caught his attention.  There was an orchard and a botanical garden on the grounds.
    He counted six males that he could see.  Most of them were wearing the black on black uniform Jackson had reported.  Weapons varied from cheap little gang-banger spray-and-pray guns to a couple of AK-47.  Nobody in the compound seemed to give a shit about security except the guy at the gate.  Good.
    He looked at his watch:  0045 hours.  It’s about time to get back to Jackson.  He heard more screaming from the servant’s quarters.  He tuned it out as he climbed down.  I’ll be back he promised himself.
    Forty minutes later, he slid quietly in next to Jackson.  They watched the two scouts take turn sleeping.  They weren’t very good.  The shit-bag kid kept falling asleep during his guard shift.  Poor dumb bastard, thought SSgt Brown.  He’s going to die tomorrow.  He and Jackson continued to watch the scouts for the remainder of the night.
    Day 19
    Outside of the vet clinic.
    Joe woke with a start.  Shit, what was that?  He looked at Leroy.  The large black man was sleeping like a rock.  Shit, thought Joe, how long have I been asleep?  The last time he remembered Leroy waking him up was 3:00.  Now the sun was up.  Shit!  Shit!  Shit!
    He shook the big man awake.“Ok, dude, I let you sleep in, my turn to catch some Z’s.”
    The big man rubbed his eyes.  Then he gave a Joe the look.  He knew why Joe had let him oversleep.
    “Let me sleep?” he whispered.
    “Uh, yeah,” he replied.
    “Bull Shit,” the big man hissed.  “You coulda gotten me killed.”
    “It’s ok man,” the young guy pleaded a little too loudly for Leroy’s comfort.
    “I swear to God:  You fall asleep

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