calling out a quick goodbye on her way.
Our stares are locked until J finally breaks our gaze. I hear a light curse come from under her breath and almost crack a smile. Then I do something completely insane. Something I never do. I justify my decision.
“The kitchen is closed. You’ve cleaned most of the tables. Simon can handle the lockdown tonight.”
I see indecision wavering in her eyes. Her complete exhaustion is warring with the need to defy. But I don’t wait for her to decide. Grabbing her shoulders, I steer her toward the hall and the stairs up to her room. Then I give her a tiny shove. She gets moving, but she throws a mutinous glare back at me. I smirk at her just because I know it will piss her off.
I’m about to turn back to the bar and help close it out when I see her change direction and head to the back cabinet. Curious, I stop and watch as she grabs a stack of the skirts— what the fuck was I thinking when I approved those for the uniform? —and starts for the stairs.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” I ask quietly.
“I just want to make sure that I can change into my uniform in my room rather than having to change down here.” She shrugs innocently with wide eyes.
I’m no fool though. She still isn’t masking the sass behind her act.
“You won’t need those. I’ll have a different uniform for you tomorrow.” I already called the company and had a rush order put in for some women’s slacks.
Her lips turn down in a slight pout. On any other woman, that would have driven me right out the door in the opposite direction. But not with her. Instead, my eyes drop to that plump bottom lip and all I can think about is sucking it into my mouth. When I drag my eyes back up, the attitude has returned. Then she is marching up the stairs with the skirts. At the landing, I watch as she glances at the exit and hesitates.
Oh, hell no.
Bounding up the stairs, I grab her by the waist and toss her over my shoulder. She gasps in outrage and hits me in the back, her fist just missing my kidney. A full-blown grin breaks out on my face when I give her a resounding slap on the sweet little ass bouncing on my shoulder.
“What the fuck?” she yells.
Damn, she really is a little hellcat.
“I’d think before you hit me, kitten. I’ll just have to spank you again.”
When we reach her door, I give the knob a twist, easily opening it. We’ll have a chat about that unlocked door tomorrow. For now, she stops struggling after my threat, but I can hear her taking deep, calming breaths. I drop her abruptly on the bed and lean down, placing an arm on either side of her torso to cage her in.
“Let me be very clear, Cupcake. I make the rules here. You follow them. It’s as simple as that. If you run, I’ll drag your ass back and you’ll find yourself under lock and key. Got it?” I threaten.
If I were a lesser man and had smaller balls— that’s right —they’d be shriveling under the venom in her gaze. Instead, before I can think better of it, I close the distance between us and lightly brush my lips against hers. Then I pull away and lick my lips. Damn, she even tastes like a cupcake. I want to dive in for more, but I force myself to back away. The fog begins to clear from her face, and I anticipate the storm as I walk to the door. However, there is silence. And when I turn back, I see her softly touching her lips and looking at me in confusion.
Don’t expect answers from me, Cupcake. Hell if I know what’s going on.
“Don’t you have a date tonight?” she questions, glaring at me.
Anger I can handle. Anger I understand.
I grab the door handle, walk out, and then turn back, my eyes giving her a once-over. “Jealous, baby?”
Then I slam the door.
I head into my office, shut everything down, and lock it up. I don’t keep anything associated with my other jobs in that office, but it goes against my nature to not protect what’s mine. Mine. My thoughts drift to the room
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild