Endless Nights: Vegas Nights, Book 3
they could hang out, maybe end up going to have some lunch eventually.
    But he didn’t want lunch. He didn’t want to gamble or hang out or do any of that shit. He wanted to take her back up to his suite, strip her out of that cute dress and fuck her into Sunday morning.
    Yeah. Classy. Romantic. Real smooth. He was denying himself because being around her turned him into a horny dickhead with only one thing on his mind.
    Getting Andrea naked.
    “What do you want to do now?” A melodic song came from a machine nearby and she started to head toward it. “I think video poker is calling my name.”
    “Hey.” He grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her progress. “I have a better idea.”
    “What?” She smiled up at him, and seeing her pretty curved lips, he felt like he could conquer the world, beat any team he ever had to play, as long as he got to come home to a smile like that every night for the rest of his life.
    What the ever-lovin’ fuck, dude? Thinking about forever with her? You don’t even really know her.
    He’d just been burned too. Raquel had messed with his head, and not because he’d been in love with her. More like she drove him crazy by always calling him and begging for him to reconsider their breakup.
    There’d been nothing for him to reconsider. They were through. He didn’t miss her. His overwhelming attraction to Andrea more than made that clear.
    “All I can think about is you walking around with no panties on,” he murmured. That was no lie. He could hardly concentrate, seeing her ass twitch beneath her skirt as she walked, knowing she was bare beneath the thin fabric.
    “Luke,” she chastised, but he silenced her with a look.
    “Let’s go find you some lingerie.”
    Now she looked confused. “Huh?”
    “There’s a bunch of stores over there.” He nodded toward the giant sign hanging overhead in the near distance, indicating with an arrow exactly where all of those exclusive, expensive shops were.
    “You want to buy me…underwear?” she asked incredulously.
    Maybe she thought he was some sort of pervert with a lingerie fetish. Which okay, granted, he might be. It all started with those damn Victoria’s Secret catalogs that used to come to the house when he was a kid. Those women posing provocatively in their delicate lacy things were his first taste, and he naturally progressed to stealing his dad’s Playboy magazines.
    He still preferred the VS girls. Something about being covered up and slowly revealed…yeah. He wanted to get Andrea into some sexy stuff.
    Then peel it all off her later.
    “I won’t be able to function much longer if we continue walking around here, knowing that you’re naked beneath the dress,” he admitted, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s all I can think about.”
    Her eyes darkened, a sure sign she was aroused. He was already figuring out her tells. “Really?”
    “Uh-huh.” Luke nodded, tracing the shell of her ear, drawing his finger along her jaw. Her lips parted on a sigh and he noticed the way her pulse throbbed at the base of her neck. “So let’s get you something pretty, okay? And then later tonight, I’ll take it all off. Piece by piece.”
    “That sounds…nice.” She drew in a sharp breath when he leaned in close and pressed his cheek to hers, his mouth right at her ear.
    “It’ll be real nice. Hopefully you’ll let me come into the dressing room so you can model everything for me,” he whispered.
    “They won’t let us do that…” she started, and he kissed her once, silencing her with his lips.
    “Trust me, they’ll let me do whatever the hell I want,” he murmured, giving her another kiss before he pulled away.
    Andrea gazed up at him, blinking slowly, looking a little dazed. This was fun. Being with her, teasing her, he enjoyed it. Enjoyed her. Couldn’t remember the last time he had this much fun with a woman…
    “Hey, aren’t you Luke Nelson with the Seahawks?”
    He turned to find

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