reason. Ember was sure it was so she wouldn’t have to face whatever she was keeping from her. All her thoughts drifted away with the hot water that sluiced over her body. The water seemed to run crimson for ages until it became clear once again. Ember let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding and vowed that as the blood had run clean, so would her break with Landon. That was if he didn’t find her and kill her first.
Ceylon took a deep breath as he walked back into the mess hall. All eyes flew to him as he took his seat. Silvius looked at him expectantly. “I have explained to Maria that she will be our guest for the next couple of days. We may have to extend that stay to other medical personnel for Ember. She is healed physically, but Dr. Langston and Maria have led me to believe that she may need emotional help. Maria will let me know if she requires anything. As for what Maria heard, we will take these two days to discover what she is exactly. We knew the Earth’s governments would be suspicious of us. Serenity had prepared us for that. Therefore, I cannot fault her for what she did for her country. Cedwin and Silvius are in agreement that we discuss with her our plight and the reasoning for keeping it secret. Silvius will take her under his care for the duration of the two days to ensure that she understands. Are there any more questions or concerns that need to be addressed in that time?”
Silvius looked relieved where Secundus looked ready to explode, thankfully he didn’t voice any negative opinions. Ceylon had every intention of questioning Maria himself, mainly because Silvius looked at Maria as if she could do no wrong, and Ceylon was curious as to what role Maria played in the greater scheme of things. Merrcum’s dismissal pulled Ceylon from his musings. Maria was waiting for him in the hallway. Her color was still pale. He knew she was frightened of her situation, especially since Secundus’ outbreak. “Maria how is Ember?” he asked.
“She is taking a shower and for all intents and purposes she seems fine. I need to speak with Dr. Langston and a couple other people at Trinity Heart. Other than clothing the only thing that I think Ember may need is a counselor.” Maria said.
“Counselor?” Ceylon said.
“Yes. She went through a traumatic experience and though I don’t know her story I can only guess the abuse that led up to this. She needs someone to help her deal with the mental and emotional aspects of this trauma.” Maria stated in response to Ceylon’s question. Ceylon nodded and motioned for her to walk with him. Silvius attempted to intercept them and walk with Maria, but Ceylon shook his head at him. Silvius nodded and walked toward his quarters.
“So, how did you end up with one of the translation implants?” Ceylon asked. Maria tensed beside him. She took a deep breath and began to speak. He was impressed with her bravery.
“I wasn’t always a nurse in a hospital. I was a part of the Army. I trained to be a nurse while in service. I was one of many that were chosen to get the implant so that if our jobs brought us close to you we could possibly understand what you said to each other. I am essentially a spy; however it was purely coincidental that I was chosen to come aboard.” Maria finally stated. Ceylon nodded but refrained from telling Maria that it was not a coincidence that she was the nurse that Dr. Langston had ensured came onboard with Ember. He could tell that Maria truly believed it was coincidence. Dr. Langston had already confessed his part in his roundabout way of allowing Ember to be treated aboard the ship. His leaving Maria wasn’t coincidental. If she hadn’t been invited to come aboard, Ceylon knew that Dr. Langston would have made it a point to stay.
“I realize that you were only doing your job, but you must understand that we keep certain things secret for a reason. I must be your shadow for