
Read Earthbound for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Earthbound for Free Online
Authors: Joe Haldeman
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction, adventure, Fantasy
and all?”
    “I walked there first. It was a mess. At least three officers dead inside. I let myself in through the kitchen, and nobody saw me. That’s when I overheard the plot to kidnap the Martian.”
    “So they’re armed to the teeth.”
    “I don’t think so. The armory went into automatic lockdown when the power went off. I don’t think you can get in there without a heavy-duty laser or a cutting torch.”
    “The lock would be mechanical,” Paul said, “I wonder if there’s a mechanical way around it . . . probably not. It wouldn’t have been designed with the idea that the power would go off forever.”
    “Do you think it really is forever? I didn’t see the broadcast.”
    “I don’t remember the exact wording,” I said. “It sounded pretty final.”
    “They said we were to become a ‘donor planet,’ ” Paul said. “So some other world would be getting free power at the expense of our own potential for generating electricity. Or that’s how I interpret it.”
    “Are you a scientist?”
    “No. Used to be a rocket jock. Currently unemployed.”
    I could feel her smile. “Aren’t we all, now.”
    I heard a loud clank and muttered curse from inside. Namir had found the crowbar by knocking it over.
    He was just visible, coming through the door. Rifle slung over his shoulder, crowbar held like a weapon in his right hand.
    “Carmen, you move up to the edge of the wall. Take the safety off. If we draw any fire, shoot high in our direction. We’ll run back as fast as we can.”
    “We’ll probably be okay,” Alba said. “I haven’t seen or heard anyone nearby.” She laughed. “Though I didn’t see or hear you, Namir, when I walked in.”
    “Good. I’ve been trying to stay invisible. Let’s go.”
    I followed them as far as the entrance, then settled in, leaning against the sandbags. Which smelled like the beach, plastic and hot sand.
    Alba disappeared immediately into the murk, but I could still see Namir for a minute. Then he was gone.
    I was straining to hear, and so jumped at the first loud noise. A good thing I didn’t have my finger on the trigger. It was just Namir attacking the car trunk with the crowbar. Then a loud pop, and a vague sound of metal things clicking against metal in the distance. Then several dull thuds, which I supposed were Namir trying to break into an unbreakable window.
    This would be the dangerous time. People would be attracted by the noise and follow the sound.
    It stopped, and I watched and listened anxiously for several minutes.
    Then something moved on the road in front of me. “Namir?” I whispered.
    “It’s me.”
    “And Alba.” I couldn’t see her until they passed directly in front of me. An advantage to being black.
    “Paul,” Namir stopped, and said to the roof, “is it two hours yet?”
    “Just about.”
    “I’ll send Elza up to relieve you.” He reached out and touched my arm. “You can get some rest now, Carmen. Give Dustin your rifle and send him back. I’ll bring Alba up to speed.”
    I felt a momentary irrational twinge of jealousy. The black widow comes out of the night and claims our protector. But I really could use some sleep.

    I woke to pale light and quiet conversation. Got up stiffly from the pile of laundered uniforms I’d used as bedding. Rubbed my face and dragged fingers through my hair and realized I would kill for a toothbrush. Found the rear sink and rinsed my mouth and splashed my face, and went toward the sound.
    Alba was talking to Paul. Please let her be ugly.
    Of course she was not. Regular features, intelligence in her eyes. A nice figure that I’d gotten to paw before Paul could even fantasize about it.
    “You must be Carmen.”
    “I don’t know. It’s early yet.” I took her hand. Able was I ere I saw Alba. “This is the stuff from your car?”
    “Combined with your pistol, yes. Wish we had more ammunition. At least all the rifles use the same kind.” Two pistols and a new-looking

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