Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance

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Book: Read Dynomite: A Stepbrother Cowboy Romance for Free Online
Authors: Layla Wolfe
Tags: Fiction, Romance
twisted fucker.
    There I was, trying to tell him to back off from my boyfriend, to stop getting into it with him, to stop goading him. It was pretty easy to goad Lawson Willard, though, truth be told. He’d been known to throw me around from time to time, usually while drinking heavily.
    Suddenly Dyno was practically assaulting me through my fucking clothes!
    What kind of twisted pervert was he? For one, we were stepsiblings! My father had married his wasted mother, for better or worse, although I wondered if “Dyno” knew about the prenup agreement she’d signed. Yeah, I’d seen it in the ranch office where I worked. Seems my dad didn’t trust Miss Skyy Vodka and her ability to move easily from rancher to rancher, apparently sucking really good dick the whole way.
    There’d been a lot more drinking since Mrs. Grey Goose had moved her trashy redneck ass in. My dad had never been a big drinker, but suddenly he was sending his man out to Costco for those big bottles of vodka. And he was drinking the drinks himself. Vodka mixed with OJ, cranberry, Sierra Mist, you name it. It was almost embarrassing to think Lawson saw the empties around the back of the house when he picked me up, overflowing the recycling bin.
    And maybe I contributed a little bit to the trash, too. When stressed or PMSing, I took a few fingers’ worth of vodka from their bottles. It was just to tide me over until I could properly mourn my mother without some lush moving into my house. I was going to knock it off the second I got accepted into one of the schools I’d been waitlisted at.
    Dyno or whatever he called himself, he could imagine he was better than me, and he had me by the short hairs when it came to telling Lawson about my arrest. Lawson might be a good ol’ boy, but he liked his women pure as the Arctic snow. A typical male hypocrite.
    I was actually surprised when Dyno admitted to the heroin thing. It was just a vague rumor I’d heard. I didn’t know any details about it. A fluttery thrill had gripped me when he pinned me to the wooden seat with the power of his pelvis. I don’t know if that was his intention when he grabbed me by the hair. But he slid an enormously long and fat penis directly against my mound, and suddenly I knew what Olivia meant when she pretended to know why he was called “Dynomite.”
    That fucking Olivia. She loved taunting me with stories of Dyno’s prowess. He was definitely hitting on her. I’d even heard him tell her suggestively, “Sit on my lap and move your hips.” Of course, she hadn’t. We were in Spanish class, for Christ sake. But he’d said it in Spanish— Sientate en mis piernas y mueve tus caderas , I will never forget that sentence as long as I live—and while he said it to Olivia, I swear his eyes were flickering over mine.
    Anyway, that’s what I meant when I said Olivia was a slut. Flirting with the newest bad boy in school while Kemp was a few rows away! And she was the one who started the whole rivalry between Dyno and Lawson by ogling Dyno in the backseat that day when Lawson picked me up for school.
    Yeah, I’d noticed. It wasn’t until Olivia made those predatory remarks that Lawson got all agitated and competitive. Oh, some new guy was smoking hot? Lawson would see about that . And I was jealous because here was a rivalry that had nothing to do with me . Lawson wasn’t jealous because Dyno was hitting on me. He was jealous because Olivia thought Dyno was hot .
    Why did this asshole rile me up so heavily? Here he was, pressing his long and thick tool against the very core of me, while my boyfriend lay possibly with a broken neck literally in a pile of shit!
    So I kneed him, of course I did.
    It was a hugely satisfying direct hit to the ol’ ball sac.
    He even went “ oomph ” and doubled over as all the air was sucked from his lungs. I would’ve laughed if I’d had time to. He’d called me a bitch, he’d threatened my safety and reputation, and probably worst of all, he

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