him, but it wasn't a no either. It was a step. One of many I needed to take. "There. Now we both have each other's number." He briefly looked at it like it might bite him before putting it back in his pocket. Not knowing what he was thinking—but realizing he could be totally lost on something unrelated—I jumped to the next topic he'd mentioned. Might as well go all in. "And Tuesday is fine. I don't have anything that afternoon." I opened the door and got out. I heard him open his door and turned to watch him after I walked by the hood of his truck.
"Good," he mumbled, looking away, his jaw clenching.
What had happened to him? Why was he acting all brooding now? Did he not want me to agree to Tuesdays? No, that didn't make any sense. The few times we'd been together he'd brought it up every time. Was touching his precious phone some major sin? Was that another man thing? Hell if I knew, but I'd go with that. "You didn't have to give it to me if you didn't want to," I snapped. Jeez, I suddenly felt so out of my element, not that I'd felt completely within it before.
He stiffened without saying anything. Well, screw him. He just gave me a ride here. We hadn't agreed to hang out with each other all night. I could go in and try this friend thing with a different classmate. It'd be my luck that this was typical behavior though. No wonder I never wanted to come out of my "shell" as my therapist had called it. I started to walk way.
He lunged for me, grabbing my arm. "Wait!"
I gasped and yanked it away from him. My instinct to run away was suddenly very strong. He'd touched me before but not that quickly. I sensed he wouldn't hurt me, but my instincts were totally screwed up. He was big. And a man. The desire to flee was nearly overpowering.
He paled. "Jesus, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He lifted his hands and took a couple of steps back. "I—I've never let a chick see my phone before." He almost blushed—almost—probably realizing how silly that confession sounded.
"I'm not a chick." Not like that anyway. I crossed my arms and glared at him, willing my heart to slow. He hadn't meant to startle me, but it wasn't the first time I'd freaked about something around a man. He couldn't help it he was born with a penis. No matter how threatened I might feel in a similar situation around those born to my sex, it would never pull the same reaction from me. Maybe one day I wouldn't be so jumpy around guys.
Maybe. But doubtful.
"By definition you are, but I know what you mean. I was being silly. Sorry. Friends?" He cheesed a goofy grin, waiting. If I'd blinked I would've missed his mood change. He was all over the map, fine one minute, practically growling the next, and then cheerful. It was hard to keep up.
I could stomp off, and he'd probably let me, but what good would that do? Maybe most men were just as nuts. If so, I might as well build a friendship with one who at least wanted to be my friend and nothing more. I could overlook his crazy tendencies if he'd overlook mine. Lord knew I wasn't completely sane.
"Friends." I nodded. I took a deep breath and started toward the hall. Killian walked beside me. The silence was comfortable, but it was always comfortable for me. He was fidgeting with his fingers though, so I figured he wasn't as at ease. Something he said earlier stuck with me, and I asked before thinking better of it. "You lived with your grandparents before moving into the dorms?" If he'd moved in with them to be closer to school, why had he moved on campus? That didn't make any sense.
Mr. Talkative didn't elaborate. I wondered if I should ask. Maybe it was a touchy subject for him, but getting to know someone was how one made friends. If he wasn't going to spill, then it was my job to pry. Wasn't it?
He opened the door to the hall, and loud music mixed with the vocal buzzing of the crowd killed any immediate desire to carry on a conversation. Massacred it.
I should've run before when I had
Michael Ashley Torrington