Duffle Bag Bitches

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Book: Read Duffle Bag Bitches for Free Online
Authors: Alicia Howard
Tags: Novels
trip and I got another call coming in.” he told her.
    “Let me find out you taking some bitch on a trip!” She was fussing again.
    “Get off my phone, you about to piss me off.” He just wanted to get rid of her.
    “Sorry-” She didn’t get to finish her statement before he was gone.
    “Hello!” He yelled as he pulled into the airport.
    “Hey Zane this…” he cut her off.
    “What’s good Shannon?” She was shocked that he knew her voice.
    “Oh nothing. Just wondering what time we’re supposed to be at the airport.”
      “Damn I meant to call and tell you that I’m heading out now and ya’ll will be flying out about ten in the morning.” It had slipped his mind.
    “Oh my bad for bothering you. I thought you said today.” She felt like she wasn’t paying attention when he was giving her the order.
    “No it’s cool. I changed it cause you need to spend more time with your baby. That was too fast for you so I told D I would go get the rooms and shit in order and ya’ll could move in the morning.
    “Aww thanks so much, you didn’t have to do that, I know this is business.” She wanted him know she was about that life.
    “You’re right this is business and what you have with your daughter is love. Cherish it cause some of us don’t have that.” He always let his mouth get away from him when he talked to this woman. She was about to say something but he couldn’t bear to talk to her anymore. “Look boo I got a plane to catch.” Just like that he was gone.

    Shannon was looking at the phone speechless when it began to ring “Hello.”
    “Bitch what’s wrong with you?” Jasmine asked.
    “Nothing… there’s been a change in the plans. We’re not leaving until tomorrow so we all need to link up for lunch and talk this shit over.” She was still tripping off Zane.
    “Cool let’s go to 54th St. cause that’s Jay shit.” Jasmine loved her friend.
    “I’m always down to eat.” They ended the call.
    Jasmine always wanted to know where her baby sister’s head was. She wanted the best for her, she just didn’t know how to express that without being nosey or bossy and both caused Shannon to become angry even though it was done out of love. She almost lost Shannon when she had her baby. Shannon was in a coma with tubes everywhere, and her lungs even collapsed. That scared the shit out of Jasmine so she always wanted to know that Shannon was okay, that’s what big sisters were for. They all met at the restaurant at two o’clock. Shannon, Nisha, and Jay sipped Strawberry Long Islands and Jasmine had the Berry Sangria. That damn girl was crazy about Sangrias.   Nisha was always the first to start talking shit when she was drinking, and that’s why muthafuckas didn’t fuck with her the long way.
    “I been shining on these hoes so hard they all ready to get down with the team.” She smiled like muthafuckas was feeling the shit that just fell out her fucking face.
    Jay just looked at the bitch some kind of way because she hated stupidity.   Shannon looked at her funny as well, thinking that this hoe is the reason she leaves town so damn soon.
    “Bitch shut the fuck up with your dumb ass. We was Gucci with the money we made, not thinking we would have to move for at least six months; but your thirsty ass fucked up all your money. If you wasn’t family, yo ass would be dead out here for real.” Jasmine was pissed thinking about the risk she now had to take. She had a husband and kids to think about.
    “Well damn ya’ll holding on to that little bit of money like you can take it with you!” Nisha tried to make her decision sound good.
    “We can’t take it with us but we can enjoy it while we here if we don’t play Russian roulette with our lives as much as you want us to. This shit can be a death sentence at any time for any of us.   We try to hit major players so we can do this less often.” Shannon schooled her ass real fast.
    “Hell if it wasn’t for me ya’ll wouldn’t

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