well. My hands are steady. My head is clear. I’m finally down from the buzz of collecting.
    I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for the test Kolek is going to give me.
    A soft knock taps at the door of my room. I peer around the corner, wondering who thinks I can open the door to let them in, but it was just a courtesy knock. Valac stands by my open door, waiting for me. He doesn’t say anything, but I suppose he already had his say. I slip my hands in my pockets and stroll toward him, in no hurry to see what Kolek has in store for me.
    It’s just me and Valac, walking the hall toward Kolek’s meeting room.
    Since we’re momentarily alone, I ask, “What’s the test?”
    Valac doesn’t look at me. “I don’t know, little bird,” he says. “Couldn’t tell you if I did.” He pauses at the door, checking with me. I nod and he swipes his palm across the lock. The door slides open.
    I quickly scan the room as we enter. Kolek at the end with a drink in his hand, his blond hair slicked back like Valac’s. Nico standing off to the side, hands laced in front of him. It’s only the two of them, and I feel a flush of relief that Ophelia’s not in the room. Either to participate or observe whatever’s going to go down. Maybe I’ll ask for a visit with her after we’re done. I think I’ll need some consoling.
    Assuming I survive.
    I pause in the middle of the room, but Valac urges me forward with a tilt of his head. Kolek sets his drink down on the mantle of the fireplace. There’s a large mirror over it, and my reflection shows me hesitating in the middle of the room. I pull my gaze from that and approach Kolek.
    I stop a few feet away, waiting for him to speak. His blue eyes sparkle but not with mirth. More like he’s looking forward to whatever entertainment my test will provide.
    He closes the distance between us, grabs hold of my shoulders in his two hands and kisses me, once on each cheek. My eyes are wide. I’m not sure what I expected, but kisses certainly weren’t it.
    I’m mute, blinking like an idiot, as Kolek examines me.
    “Valac tells me you did well today, Lirium.”
    “Thank you, sir.”
    Kolek drops his hands from my shoulders. “Not everyone is cut out for our work,” he says, taking a step back to retrieve his drink. He points a finger at me. “I see potential in you, Lirium. You’re young, but you have guts.” He curls the finger in to make a fist. The sleeve of his loose, white-silk shirt is rolled up, so I can see his forearm flex. “You’re strong. I like that.” He takes a sip of his drink. A ring on his hand clinks against the glass. “I hear you and Ophelia make a good team.” He nods his approval.
    “Yes, sir.” A flicker of hope that he’s decided not to test me after all fades when he throws a look to Nico. I glance at his henchman, but he’s already turned away, walking toward the back of the room.
    “However,” Kolek says, capturing my attention again, “some young men make the mistake of thinking they can come into my house…” He gestures wide with his hands. “… and take what belongs to me. I like that less, as you can probably understand.”
    “Yes, sir.” My heart picks up the pace.
    “A young man came into my casino today.” He points at me again. “The one you visited, by interesting coincidence. He tried to rob me. Thought he could sneak in and make off with the swipe cards we hand out to our donors. Now…” He spreads his hands wide again. “You can imagine, I didn’t care for that at all . Can’t let people think that we’re such an easy mark a boy can come in and walk out with our money.”
    A boy?
    His gaze flicks behind me. I slowly turn, my stomach hollowing out. Nico has returned with the boy, a meaty hand wrapped around his upper arm. He’s fourteen, fifteen at the outside. Lanky, thin as a sapling. Nico doesn’t even have to flex a muscle to hold him in place. I know immediately he’s my test. Kolek’s going to have me drain the

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