Dragon's Fire [PUP Squad Alpha 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Book: Read Dragon's Fire [PUP Squad Alpha 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) for Free Online
Authors: Abby Blake
Tags: Romance
who’d loved her. It had made it much easier to do what needed to be done. With no family left alive, Ava truly had been alone in the world. She’d had friends and work colleagues who would mourn her for a short while, but as she’d explained in a rather matter-of-fact tone, her friends all had families of their own. No one would miss her for long.
    But that was no longer true.
    Nathan glanced over at the outdoor setting where Ava, Kali, and a vampire female named Skye, and her human sister, Jennifer, sat in the moonlight laughing together. He had no idea what they were talking about, but it was a wonderful sound to hear.
    “How’s Ava doing?” Ronan asked as he stepped closer.
    “I don’t think the permanence of it has hit her yet, but otherwise she’s doing fine.”
    They both watched as Brody carried a tray of drinks over to the women, handed one to each of them, and headed back inside. Judging by the wide grin, Ronan obviously didn’t miss Brody’s gentle touch to Ava’s face a moment before he turned to leave.
    “He seems smitten,” Ronan said with a grin. Nathan had seen his boss react to Kali in much the same way.
    “He is,” Nathan agreed. “We both are.”
    “Good to know,” Ronan said with a smile. “So what are your plans now? Technically, your assignment is over. With Ava’s death official she should be safe from the assassins. Even if they follow the original pixie’s research, they’ll only find dead ends for Kali and Ava.”
    Nathan shrugged. From a purely business point of view they’d done their job and Ava would be safe, but he didn’t want to leave her alone—not even to get back to work. Ronan smiled even wider, almost as if he could hear the thoughts in Nathan’s head. Of course, it helped that Ronan had known him most of his life. He’d stepped into the role of big brother when Nathan had been an angry fifteen-year-old who’d just seen his father murdered. Without Ronan’s guidance there was no telling where Nathan might have ended up.
    “I was talking to Benjamin,” Ronan said casually, thankfully scattering Nathan’s memories of the past, “about making Sugarvale a base of operations for both Deeks Security and PUP Squad Alpha.” Nathan nodded. It was something that seemed likely considering all the reconstruction going on in the small town. “It would ensure that Kali and Ava and any other potential pixie targets are surrounded at all times by people willing and able to protect them.”
    Ronan looked at Kali, the genuine love in his eyes so obvious that Nathan almost felt the need to look away. Even though Nathan considered Ronan family, Ronan had always been the gruff soldier, not the doting husband he was now.
    They both nodded to Alex as he came into the yard. The fire demon headed straight for Kali, kissed her affectionately, and then moved toward where Nathan and Ronan were standing.
    “Eventually I’d like for it to be a safe place to raise a family,” Ronan said as they watched Alex stop to talk to Benjamin and Samuel, Skye’s vampire mates. “I thought you and Brody might be interested in hanging around for a while.” He grinned at Nathan’s obvious interest and nodded toward where Alex had lifted Kali onto his lap and was quietly listening to the women talk. “Discuss it with your family,” Ronan added with a knowing look.
    Family? Yes, that’s what he, Ava, and Brody had become. He glanced at Ava, saw her bright smile, and suddenly couldn’t wait to get back home. But then Alex came over to them and started talking, so Nathan tamped down his excitement for a few moments more.
    “A little bit of good news,” Alex said with a serious expression on his face. “We’ve managed to track down Annie Franklin—one of the pixie’s possible targets. She goes by Hannah Long now. We’re not sure why she changed her name, but it may well have saved her life. West and Darian are moving to intercept her. Between them they should be able to explain the

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