Double Shot

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Book: Read Double Shot for Free Online
Authors: Christine D'Abo
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
Ian he’s fair game.”
    “Christ, Paige!” Sadie retreated back to the bathroom. “I’m there to make sure the catering is going smoothly. I’m not trying to get laid. Not by Paul or anyone else for that matter.”
    “Sweetie, you keep telling yourself that. You’re going to Mavericks dressed up as sexy as I’ve ever seen you. If Paul doesn’t stake his claim on you within the first five minutes, you’ll have to beat the men—and a fair number of the women—off with a large stick. Either way, you’re having sex tonight.”
    Why was she the only normal one of the siblings? Ignoring Paige when she slipped into the bathroom behind her, Sadie began to put on her makeup.
    “Did Paul tell you anything else about the evening? You need more eye shadow or your eyes will look washed out.”
    “Nothing beyond needing to be there at nine o’clock for setup.” She stopped after putting on her normal amount of makeup, only to add more eye shadow after a few seconds of assessment. “I assume the events won’t start until ten. Are you coming?”
    When Paige didn’t answer, Sadie glanced up at her in the mirror. “Paige?”
    “I don’t think so. Josh called and asked but I told him I had to help Ian.”
    “Mitch will be in, right?”
    “You can come to Mavericks if you want. I promise I won’t embarrass you.” Sadie didn’t like the expression on her big sister’s face. “You okay?”
    “I don’t want to. I’m not into the club scene anymore.” She finally met Sadie’s gaze and grinned. “I’ve matured.”
    Sadie rolled her eyes. “You matured at the age of five.”
    “Besides, this is your big event. You don’t need me there gawking over your shoulder, stressing you out even more. Go. Have fun. Get laid. You’ll be fine.”
    “Are you—?”
    “Don’t you dare ask me if I’m sure. Or if I’m fine for that matter. I’m both. Go out and have some fun for once, sweetie. Stop worrying about everyone else and put yourself first.” Paige got to her feet. “Do you need any help, or are you good to go?”
    “I took everything over except Boobs a few hours ago. I met the staff and gave them directions for setup. Ian’s helping me take the cake over as soon as I’m finished here.”
    “Promise me you’ll wear a coat. The last thing I want is for you to get mugged. Or worse.”
    “I will.”
    “And call me in the morning once you’re up. I want to know every detail.”
    “I will. ”
    Paige kissed her cheek and bounded out the door.
    Now alone, Sadie’s nerves kicked in. Paul would be there. She’d be half-naked in a sex club and Paul would be there watching her. Closing her eyes, she leaned over the sink and let out a shaky breath.
    Ignoring her nerves, Sadie grabbed her coat and her purse and left Ian’s apartment. She hated imposing on him, but she couldn’t go far dressed like this. The second she came into the shop, Ian was by her side.
    “Let me see.”
    “No frigging way.”
    “I’m holding Boobs hostage until I see.”
    “No. Frigging. Way.”
    “Sadie Claus.”
    “Brad Pitt, Ian. Brad Pitt.”
    Ian cast a quick look over at Paige, who was helping a customer. “Bitch.”
    “Love you too. Now let’s get Boobs over to Mavericks before I chicken out and put you in the corset instead.”
    Ian chuckled. “You say that like I wouldn’t do it.”
    “Fuck, you are so camp some days.”
    He batted his eyes at her. “I took the liberty of getting Boobs into the box like you showed me. I suggest we use the cart and go really, really slow.”
    The next thirty minutes were the longest of Sadie’s life. Who knew that a single box with a busty cake could cause this many headaches?
    Ian pulled the cart, forced to navigate while looking over his shoulder to avoid running into pedestrians. “I forgot to say, you did a kickass job on this, Sade. Word of your baking skills will have our catering roster filled for the next two years.”
    Sadie tried to hide her grin

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