Doctor Who: The Devil Goblins From Neptune

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Book: Read Doctor Who: The Devil Goblins From Neptune for Free Online
Authors: Keith Topping, Martin Day
Tags: Science-Fiction
    'I have Professor Trainor on line three for you, sir,' said Carol Bell.
    'Put him through,' said the Brigadier. Another distraction.
    As a favour to Ralph Cornish, who had recently been appointed to overall command of the British space programme, UNIT were to provide security for a press luncheon which was to announce the results of British Rocket Group's latest unmanned mission to Uranus and Neptune.
    Professor Bernard Trainor was the man under whose direction the mission had provided much valuable information about these two mysterious planets. The Brigadier had met Trainor once, at the launch of the spacecraft the previous year, and had found him to be a charming if somewhat absentminded man.
    'Good morning, Professor,' he said brightly. 'What can I do for you?'
    'Brigadier?' replied Trainor, as though expecting someone else. 'How are you?'
    'I'm well,' said the Brigadier, casting his eyes towards the ceiling. 'Is there something you need?' He didn't really have the time for pleasantries. At this moment, Captain Mike Yates entered the office and the Brigadier threw him an exasperated glance.
    'I was just... That is... The press luncheon...' said the professor.
    'Of course, Professor,' soothed the Brigadier. The arrangements are in hand. My liaison officer should be with you shortly to deal with any last-minute problems that you, or we, may have.' He covered the telephone mouthpiece with his hand and growled at Yates to have a seat.
    'Professor Trainor, sir?' asked Yates with a mischievous grin.
    'Third call in the last two days,' said Lethbridge-Stewart before returning his attention to the professor. He was asking, in his own unique way, whether an old student of his who was, he understood, currently working for UNIT, could be spared for the luncheon. 'You must appreciate, Professor, that UNIT'S work has security implications, and that I'm not able to give specific details about any of our staff. That information is classified.' He was about to begin quoting the Official Secrets Act when he detected disappointment in the professor's voice and asked who the person in question was.
    'Dr Elizabeth Shaw,' said the professor. It was the straightest answer that Lethbridge-Stewart had ever heard the professor give. 'That's a coincidence.' he said. 'Dr Shaw is my liaison officer. I imagine she'll be with you quite soon.
    Good day, Professor.' And with that he put the phone down before the old man could add anything further 'No wonder she was so keen to do this,' said the Brigadier, half to himself.
    'I expected a lecture on how it was demeaning for someone of her abilities to have to trail up to Cambridge like an errand girl...'
    The Brigadier stared at Yates with a suspicious look on his face. 'Did you know anything about this, Captain?'
    'No, sir,' said Yates. 'I wasn't even aware that Liz was working this weekend.'
    'Well, anyway, I have a small job for you, too,'
    'If you want me to go back to my old school, sir, I'm afraid the answer's no.' I don't think they'd be too thrilled to see me!'
    Ice formed on the upper reaches of the Brigadier.
    'Sorry, sir, just a joke'
    'No one enjoys a good joke more than I do, Captain,' said the Brigadier. 'But...' He paused. Was there a specific reason why you came to see me?'
    'Two reasons, sir,' said Yates, clearly relieved to have escaped the wrath of Lethbridge-Stewart with his rank intact.
    'Firstly, I've just received this memo from the Home Office. I'm afraid they've turned down your request to D-notice that pop record you were concerned about. The one about Mars, sir.'
    Lethbridge-Stewart tapped the desktop angrily.
    'Bureaucratic oafs. That song's obviously based on leaked information concerning the Carrington fiasco. The Brigadier took the memo from Yates and scanned it for a moment, searching for loopholes 'Yates, I want this Bowery chap placed under twenty-four-hour surveillance. If he so much as sneezes I want to know about it.'
    'Understood, sir,' said Yates,

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