Dismissed With Prejudice

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Book: Read Dismissed With Prejudice for Free Online
Authors: J. A. Jance
Unable to go on, George stopped and shook his head helplessly.
    "Tell me! Kimiko demanded. She stepped toward him, her voice dropping to a strangled whisper. "Did he do it himself?
    George shrugged his shoulders. "We don't know yet.
    "Yes you do. You must. Tell me the truth! Did he?
    George was not a tall man, and Kimi Kurobashi was smaller still, but she seemed to grow taller as she stood there staring at him while her whole body vibrated with barely controlled fury. George faltered under the weight of her withering gaze. I would have, too.
    "Maybe, he answered reluctantly. "Dr. Baker seems to think so, but I don't.
    Kimi turned away from him again. She stood hunched over and trembling, her white-knuckled fingers biting deep into the plaid material of the shirt that covered her upper arm.
    "That son of a bitch! I heard her mutter. "That no good son of a bitch!
    Shocked, George Yamamoto reacted instantly. "Kimi! He was your father. You mustn't talk about him that way.
    "I'll talk about him any damned way I please, she blazed back at him. "Don't tell me what I can and can't say.
    "But Kimi—
    "I asked him straight out, she continued, "and he lied to me. He lied!
    While listening to this heated exchange, I was still busily processing her initial reaction. "What did you ask him? I interjected. "And when?
    She shuddered and let out a jagged breath. "Last night. I asked him last night, at his office.
    "You went there?
    "To find out what was going on.
    "I don't understand.
    "I didn't either. He called me yesterday morning at home. They had to call me in from the barn. He told me to come home right away and get my mother. He said it was urgent.
    "Did he say why?
    "No. I tried to ask him while we were still on the phone, but he said there wasn't time, that he wanted her away from here when it happened. He wanted her to go home with me to eastern Washington. He said she was pretty much packed and that she should stay with me until all this blew over.
    "Until what blew over?
    "I don't know, not for sure. They were having difficulties evidently. Money difficulties of some kind. He told me that the house had been sold but that he owed more on it than they would get.
    "Did he tell you he was filing for bankruptcy?
    Although Kimiko Kurobashi had been answering my questions for several minutes, now she looked at me as if my presence had finally registered. "Who are you? she asked.
    I fumbled out my ID and showed it to her. "Detective J.P. Beaumont of the Seattle Police Department. This is my partner, Detective Allen Lindstrom. We're investigating your father's death.
    She glanced at George Yamamoto, who nodded a verification.
    "No, she answered finally. "He didn't tell me that, but I knew anyway. I figured it out.
    "He told me my mother had packed up all the things she wanted to keep. That I should take them home with me along with my mother. Everything else is scheduled to be auctioned off next week. A moving van is due here any minute to pick it up.
    She bent down suddenly, picked up a round river rock from the border of the driveway, and heaved it with surprising strength through the stand of alders until it disappeared into a blackberry thicket in the park behind the house. She made a muted noise, a derisive, angry sound that was neither sob nor laughter.
    "After all those years of lecturing me on my duty, how could he leave her to face this… She stopped suddenly as if she had just thought of something. She looked from me to George and back to me again. "How?
    "How what?
    "How did he do it? With the short sword?
    There was no sense trying to skirt the issue, especially since she already seemed to know about it. "Yes, I said.
    She wavered at first when she heard it, but then she straightened up as though hearing it said aloud had somehow refueled her anger and given her newfound resolve. Turning on her heel, she started back around the house the way she had come.
    "Let's go find my mother, she said. "She's out back

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