Discovering Alicia

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Book: Read Discovering Alicia for Free Online
Authors: Tessie Bradford
Tags: Contemporary Erotic Romance
heavy balls. Brad’s hips flexed in time with her strokes, and soon, she was bobbing up and down his dick at a fevered pace. Just when she thought he was about to come, he grasped his dick and gave a quick tug on her hair. She whined as he pulled out of her mouth.
    “Seriously?” she asked, breathing hard.
    Brad pushed her back on the bed and yanked off her thong. He grabbed his pants from the floor, pulled condoms from a pocket and dropped them on the nightstand. He stared down at her with a feral grin. “I’m not ready to come yet.”
    “Could’ve fooled me,” she responded playfully.
    Ali held out her arms, and Brad climbed on top of her. He claimed her lips and kissed her until she was out of her mind with need. She raked her nails down his back and over his muscled ass. She spread her legs and undulated beneath him, but he seemed perfectly content to simply continue kissing her. Alicia wedged a hand between their bodies in a desperate attempt to ease the burning ache in her pussy.
    Brad propped himself up with his arms and pressed down with his groin, effectively pinning her fingers just out of reach of her goal.
    “Hey, I’m following the rules. My mouth was full of your tongue so I tried to communicate non-verbally. Not my fault you’re slow on the uptake.”
    Brad roared with laughter. “Touché, sweetheart.”
    He shimmied down her body, caressing and nuzzling along the trip. He placed a kiss at the top of her mound before roughly spreading her legs wide. “So wet and ready for me.”
    Brad breathed the words over the heated lips of her cunt as he slid a finger in deep. Ali grabbed two fistfuls of sheet for support, drew her feet up on the mattress until they almost touched her ass, and let her knees fall outward. She was strung tighter than a bow, and if he wanted honesty during sex, then so be it. “Long time in a toys-only zone, damn it, stop messing around.” She gave a swift jerk of her hips.
    His mouth latched onto her clit with a vengeance while he added another digit in her vagina and breached her anus with his thumb. She went off like an out–of-control rocket. As wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her, Ali bucked and ground herself against him. Brad continued his sexual onslaught until the last shudder subsided.
    Feeling limp as a noodle, Alicia didn’t even open her eyes when she realized Brad was switching positions.
    “Liked that, did ya?”
    She heard the humor in his tone and the ripping of a condom packet.
    “It was quite satisfactory,” she said with a smirk.
    “You scream for satisfactory?”
    “I most certainly did not scream.”
    “It sure as hell wasn’t me making all that beautiful noise, sweetheart.” Alicia lifted her head in time to watch Brad roll the condom down his reddened penis. “Let’s see what happens when I fuck you.”
    He surged into her in one swift, commanding stroke, allowing her no time to adjust to his impressive girth. She dug her nails into his forearms and wrapped her legs around his hips. Alicia was crystal clear in the knowledge she was the one who cried out on Brad’s initial, powerful thrust.
    She struggled to keep her eyes open and focused when he proceeded to take masterful control. “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted in time with his grunts of exertion. He was a sight to behold with his wild eyes, set jaw, and perspiration-glistened face and chest. Alicia held on for dear life as another orgasm built fast and furious. When she came, so did he, in bed-jarring fury.
    “You okay?” he asked, breathing heavily against her ear.
    “Uh, huh.” Ali sighed, unable to muster anything more eloquent. She stretched like a satisfied alley cat, thrilled when Brad remained deeply seated in her cunt. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “I could have a nap now.”
    His large palm cupped her cheek. “And I’ll be here when you wake up.”

    Chapter Four
    Alicia twisted as much water as she could out of her

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