Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series

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Book: Read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series for Free Online
Authors: Jeff Kinney
Tags: Young Adult Fiction, Comedy
on -t^e carpe+, and X +old Manny i+ was a spider.
    XKen X Keld i+ over Kin pre+ending like X was going +o nake Kin ea+ i+.

    RigK+ wKen X was about to let Manny go, Ke slapped ny Kand and nade ne drop +Ke +Kread. And guess wKa+? "TKat fool swallowed it.

    Vlell, Mahvy conple+ey los+ his mihd. He r«h ups+airs +o where Mon was, ahd X khew X was ih ki^ -(rookie.

    Mahhy +old Mon X nade Kin ea+ a slider. X +old her -there was ho slider, and +ha+ i+ was jos+ a -hVy kail

    Mon kroo^h+ Mahhy over +0 the kl+cheh +akle. "Theh she ^ir+ a seed, a raisih, ahd a ^rape oh a pla+e ahd +old Mahhy +0 j>oih+ +0 -the +hihg +ha+ was +he doses+ ih
+0 -the ^»iece
o-f -thread he swallowed.

    Mahfy +ook a wKile +o look over the +Kih^s oh +ke pla+e.

    So +Ka+s wKy X go+ seht +o bed a+
ahd X’n ho+ dowhs+airs wa+chih^ +Ke Mew Years E-Ve special oh TV.
    Ahd iKa+'s also wly
ohl^ Mew Years resolo+ioh is +o hever ^>l
    X found a way +o KaVe some f,n wrtK tKe VJKeel Rowley ^ot me for CKristmas. X car* up w.tK +K»S ^ame wKere one ^uy rides down tKe Kill and tKe o+Ker ^uy tries to knock Kim
witK a football.
    Rowley was +Ke first one down tKe Kill, and X was tKe tKrower.

    tKou$Kt. Plus, X didn't ^et a lot
practice. Xt took Rowley like ten minutes to walk tKe B13 VJKeel tack up tKe Kill after every trip down.

    Rowley ke^>+ askih^ +o swi+cH places ahd Have ne be +He ohe wHo rides +He Big ViHeel, bu+ X'n ho ■fool. "THa+ -tHihr^y-five niles ah Hour, ahd i+ didh + Have ary brakes.

    Arywa^, X hever did khock Rowley off +He Bi^ VJHeel +oday. Bu+ X ^uess X Have sone+Hihg +o work a+ over +He res+ of CHris+nas vaca+ioh.

    X was Headihg u^ +o Rowley’s ioday +o ^>lay
our ftg VJHeel ^ane a^aih, bu+ Mon said X Had +o fihisH
CHris+nas +Hahk-^oos before X weh+ oo+ aiywHere.

    X thought X could just crank out ny thank-you cards In a half hour, but when it cane -to actually writing then, ny nind went blank.

    Let ne tell you, Its not easy writing thank-you notes for stuff you didn't want in the first place.
    X started with the nonclothes itens, because X thought they’d be easiest. But after two or three cards, X realized X was practically writing the sane thing every tine.
    So X wrote up a general forn on the conputer with blanks for the things that needed to change. Vlriting the cards fron there was a breeze.

    Thank you so much for the awesome encyclopedia ! How did you know I wanted that for Christmas?
    Hove the way the encyclopedia looks on my shelf !
    All my friends will be so jealous that I have my very own encyclopedia •
    Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever!
    Sincerely, Greg
    My system worked out pretty well for the firs+ couple of     Dear Aunt Loretta,
    Thank you so much for the awesome pants I How did you know I wanted that for Christmas?
    1 love the way the pants looks on my legs !
    All my friends will be so jealous that I have my very own pants
    Thank you for making this the best Christmas ever!
    Sincerely, Greg

    X finally knocked Fowley
tHe Big ViHeel today, kut it didn’t Happen tHe way X expected. X was trying +o Kit Kim in tHe sHoulder, tot X missed, and tHe footkall went under tHe front tire.

    Fowley tried to kreak His fall ky sticking out His arms, kut He landed pretty H«rd on His left Hand. X figured He'd just sHake it off and get rigHt fcack on tHe kike, kut He didn’t.
    X tried to cHeer Him up, kut all tHe jokes tHat usually crack Him up weren't working.

    So I khew ke nos+ be kor+ pre-tty bad.

    Ckris+nas vaca+ioh is over, ahd how we’re tack a+ sckool. Ah
you renenber Rowleys Bi^ Vlkeel accidehV? Well, ke broke
kahd, ahd how ke kas +o wear a casi. AhJ -today, everyohe was crowdihg arouhd kin like ke was a kero or sone+kihg.

    I -tried +o cash ih oh Some
Rowley's hew ^oyularity, bu+ rt -to+ally backfired.

    A+ luhch a buhch

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