their crew's courage, made the Leucothea a deadly adversary in battle.
There had been plenty of battles. Even though the Leucothea was a private vessel, she had seen as much action in the war against Napoleon as most naval ships. Only a week earlier off the coast of Spain, she had encountered two frigates that had eluded the English blockade. Unwilling to endanger his ship by facing the combined strength of longer range cannon, Jason had come about and sailed for Cadiz, leading the unsuspecting French vessels within range of a British squadron. It had been short work for three ships of the line to capture both frigates.
The next day, the Leucothea had exchanged broadsides with a French sloop of war, which mounted twenty-four guns to the brig's ten. In a maneuver that would have done Nelson proud, the Leucothea had swung alongside and inflicted enough damage to ensure the sloop's eventual capture by the Royal Navy.
Remembering the action of the past two weeks, Jason thought again of his odd reluctance to leave the ship this evening. He had no reason for it. His discussion with Kyle had been necessary, but could have been completed in a quarter of the time. He couldn't blame his procrastination on the paperwork or the necessity of finalizing plans for the ship, either. Repairing the damages the Leucothea had sustained would be short work for his well-trained crew, and they could see to it without his supervision.
He wouldn't even need to be present for the loading of the next cargo. The supplies they obtained were generally the best quality and rarely required inspection. There would be no maggots in the flour or spoilage in the dried meats, while the muskets and Baker rifles would be in prime working order, and the bayonets and sabers made of the finest steel. Moreover, his first mate could handle any problem.
And it wasn't as if he were reluctant to reach his destination, Jason reflected, hearing snatches of song and raucous laughter coming from a tavern he passed. It had been some weeks since he had had a woman and he was more than ready for one. Even now a lovely lady of pleasure was waiting for him at the exclusive bordello he frequented. Once the proprietor
Madame Fanchon , had received his message, she would have arranged for the exotic Lila to be free for the evening.
No, he had been waiting for something unexpected to happen. Something such as the arrival of a woman in a hooded cloak. Indeed, he felt almost as if he had been meant to wait for her. Which was entirely illogical, since he had never believed in premonition.
Jason banished his thoughts as the cloaked figure came to a halt. Even as he watched, she faded into the shadows of a side alley that led toward the river and the Wapping waterfront. Without hesitation, Jason lengthened his stride.
When he reached the narrow passage, he could barely make her out in the shadows. Despite her limp, she was moving so rapidly that he had to increase his speed to a jog merely to keep her in sight. She glanced back only once, but when she began to run, Jason realized he had been seen. He gave up all pretense of disguising his pursuit as she disappeared around the corner, and broke into a run himself.
The next moment, he tripped over something in his path and nearly went sprawling. Slamming a shoulder against the adjacent wall, Jason swore violently, while the unfortunate cat under his feet let out a screech that reverberated wildly in the narrow confines of the alley. But even the feline's howl failed to raise the hair on Jason's neck as successfully as the woman's scream that followed. The piercing sound resounded with rage and terror as well.
Jason felt his heart constrict as he raced the final yards of the alley. When he finally reached Wapping High Street and skidded to a halt, he could see the cloaked woman blindly fighting her three assailants.
"No!" she cried as she struggled ineffectually.
" Yer to come with us, missy."
"No! You tried to kill