Demon Retribution
already three hours into Zo’s shift,
but he didn’t complain. His eagerness to see her was evident, and
his crush was obvious to everyone…except Zo. Unfortunately for him,
he was a nice guy, and Zo just didn’t do nice guys.
    When the dinner crowd died down, Kyra
suggested, “Joe, you should take off already. You’re scheduled to
open tomorrow.” At his head shake, she added, “I’m sure Zo will
show up soon. And even if she doesn’t, I can handle it from
    “ Ky, you’re nuts if you
think I’m going to leave you here alone.”
    Kyra shrugged. “Fine, if you want to be
zombified in the morning, I won’t stop you.”
    Ten minutes later, the door chimed as Zoey
squeezed through, carrying a heavy tin object. The shape of it was
    Kyra straightened. “Is that…?”
    Zoey grimaced, then said in a mock sweet
tone, “Mom, you remember Ky. Ky, Mom.”
    She eyed the urn warily. “Zo, you’re not
going weird on me, are you?”
    “ No more than usual,” Zoey
replied, then set the urn on the counter and entered her employee
number into the computer. “I had to pick her up today. I would have
taken her home first, but traffic was a bitch. Did Joe leave
    “ Nah, he’s in the back
doing inventory.”
    “ Jojo!” Zoey
    He appeared moments later. “Hey, Zoey! How
are you?” The urn drew his eye like a magnet. “What’s…uh?”
    She grabbed the container and stored it
under the register. “Mom just wanted to see what I do for a
living,” she joked, but her expression became a sad impression of a
smile. “Thanks for staying so late, Joe. I really appreciate
    “ No problem. Any time. If
you wanted me to work the rest of your shift, it’s really not a
    “ That’s okay. But, thanks.
I’m already here anyway, may as well get in a few
    Reluctantly, Joe clocked out. “Alright, I’ll
see you girls later then.”
    “ Yeah, thanks again,
    He waved from the door before ducking
    With an analytical eye on Zoey, Kyra asked,
“So, how are you, really?”
    Zoey released a breath. “I’m okay. Just
feeling a little drained, is all.”
    “ Well, you have the day off
tomorrow. You should rent, like, five or six funny movies and just
veg out.”
    “ No, I took Marco’s shift
    “ Why?” she said
    Zoey brought one of the coffee pots to her
nose, sniffed, then tossed it and began a new brew. “I need to save
up for a trip.”
    Sighing, Kyra refrained from arguing,
deciding instead to change the subject. “Do you know where you’re
going to take her?”
    “ Not yet. I’ve never been
anywhere, so I really don’t know of any exotic tropical places.
Maybe Hawaii?”
    They spent the next few hours, when they
weren’t serving customers, discussing the world’s most beautiful
destinations. Zo wanted a place that wasn’t too touristy. Something
secluded and quiet with mountains and trees, and a small river or
stream nearby. But nothing too far away. She wanted to be able to
re-visit the area without going into debt.
    Kyra offered many suggestions, but thirty
minutes from closing time they were still debating. Zo’s list of
criteria just kept growing till they were both at a loss. “Okay,
Zo,” she said, giving up for the moment. “Do you want to do
anything tonight?”
    Zoey went rigid and averted her gaze. “I
sort of agreed to go over to Kevin’s later.”
    Kyra groaned.
    “ Just to talk. And I’m not
    An outraged protest stuck in Kyra’s throat.
“I’m going to take out the trash.” Hiding her irritation, she
drifted through the café, gathering all the garbage bags and
shoving them into one large bundle. Zoey proceeded to wipe down the
already spotless counter.
    Outside, Kyra took a heavy breath of crisp
cool air and trudged to the community bins. One of the tall
buildings stole most of the moonlight, making her rely on the dim,
artificial lighting.
    The usual rotting smells were

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