
Read Deliverance for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Deliverance for Free Online
Authors: Adrienne Monson
behind him.
    Two more immortals flanked her and Leisha decapitated a man while shooting a woman with her shotgun. The woman’s head burst open and splattered Leisha and her assailants with brain matter, bone, and blood.
    Wiping a wet, goopy chunk off her eyelid, Leisha crouched down and closed the entrance to the escape tunnel. You’re not getting my son today! She stood and shot another approaching immortal, then spun while holding her machete out as the immortals poured in from every angle. Some of them were able to slice her legs or her sword arm with their blades before she hit them away. Sprays of blood, including her own, went everywhere. Most of the wounds she inflicted weren’t enough to harm the immortals too much, but a few piercing cries told her she’d hit some of them deep.
    After several minutes of moving too fast for them to grab and parrying away their attacks, Leisha knew she had to get out of there before they got the advantage. No matter her skills, there was only so much she could do against a mob of enemies.
    Slicing her way through the horde, she made the two feet distance to the basement opening and ripped the door up. The gore covering her made her slip, and she fell more than hopped down. The breath flew from her chest as she landed fifteen feet below, a light cloud of earth puffing up around her.
    Two immortals landed on top of her, cracking her rib cage. Groaning at the sharp pain, she bucked to the side, toppling them off of her. Leisha moved to rush down the tunnel. Before she could get a few steps away, one of the men grabbed her ankle, making her fall forward once again. The impact jostled her broken ribs and she cursed. Shouts and angry murmurs echoed above from the house, but the tunnel was hauntingly quiet.
    As Leisha kicked at the immortal’s wrist, a blade sliced through her calf. Grimacing at the burning incision, she slashed out with her machete. The immortal grunted and pulled his bleeding arm to his chest. The other one moved forward.
    As Leisha scrabbled to her feet and headed further into the underground, more of her assailants dropped into the tunnel. They surrounded her and no matter how many times she tried to slice her way through them, more flew down to replace them. Long knives, swords, and even fists pummeled her from every direction. She dodged and counter-attacked where she could, but felt stifled by her attackers.
    When Leisha saw several immortals heading down the tunnel to catch the others, she knew there was only one option left.
    “Nikita,” she yelled as she parried an immortal with a sword. “Run as fast as you can. Keep them safe!” With that, she swung her weapon into the support beam over her head. The wood made a splintering groan, then collapsed, bringing a heavy load of dirt with it. More dirt began to pour down, like an ocean ready to swallow its prey.
    Leisha pivoted out of the way and ran back the way she’d come. When the immortals saw the earth come crashing down, they turned to outrun the coming death trap. Leisha had her vampire speed to aid her and jumped over the others to catapult herself back up into the main room. The blood and matter that flooded the floor made her slip, landing hard on her hip.
    As soon as she fell, several sets of arm and hands swarmed over her, some restraining her and taking away her machete while others punched her on any flesh they could reach. Dull aches and sharp ones alike sprouted all over her body.
    Suddenly, a reinforced chain about the size of a rope wrapped around her neck and tightened painfully. Other binds went around her arms and legs, rendering her utterly useless.
    At least they didn’t get Liam , she told herself. All that matters is that he’s safe.

Chapter 5

    S amantha heard Leisha’s voice echoing through the passageway, and she knew exactly what the vampire was going to do. Choking on a sob, she tried to run back and stop Leisha before her friend collapsed the tunnel.
    Nik grabbed her around the

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