Deceit of Angels

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Book: Read Deceit of Angels for Free Online
Authors: Julia Bell
everyone.” Tears appeared in her eyes again and Anna
squeezed her hand.
are you getting married?”
Christmas and I’m inviting everyone here, including you now you’re a member of
the family.”
turned slightly and could see Jason and Kiera talking together.  It was good to
see that they were trying to remain friends and now and again Kiera’s warm
laughter echoed across the room.  But it was obvious that Jason was still
hurting and seemed tense standing next to his wife.  Suddenly he caught Anna’s
eye and smiled.  He took Kiera’s arm and guided her in Anna’s direction.
I’d like you to meet Kiera.  Kiera this is Anna my new PA.”
shook hands.
been hearing a lot about you,” said Kiera giving Anna a friendly smile.  Anna
smiled too detecting the strong Canadian accent.  “But let me give you some
advice.  Don’t let him bully you and never, never let him take you for
I don’t think he’d do that,” laughed Anna.
not consciously.  But he has a way about him and before you know it, you’re
under his spell.”  Jason gave an embarrassed cough and Kiera cast him an
enigmatic smile.
sad, thought Anna, in better circumstances we could have been the best of
    An Italian
restaurant in Bristol was the venue for that evening and Anna finally met the
financial director of Harrington Rhodes Shipping Agents.  Graham Rhodes was
tall and lean with greying hair and an almost military bearing and asked in a
very concerned manner, if Anna was settling in OK.  When she answered that she
was, he impressed on her that she mustn’t be shy about phoning him if she had
any problems when Jason was away.  Anna answered him with a smile.
the smile faded when he began to question her about her financial plans.  Did
she own her own house back in Wakefield?  Was she considering selling it and
buying a house in this area?  If so, he certainly knew the contacts that would
give her a good deal.  Anna began to feel uncomfortable, although she realised
he wasn’t being nosy, just acutely interested in all matters financial.  She
stuttered a reply behind her glass of wine.
    Working for
Jason was all Sharon said it would be and Anna found that each day seemed to
get better.  During her time in the office, she could forget that she was
married; that an angry husband was sitting stewing at home.  And there was no
doubt that he was stewing.  Every night she would turn on her phone and there
were at least fifteen missed calls and texts waiting for her which she
immediately deleted. 
sons had received her letter and after a few days, a short text arrived from
Martyn saying that they would ring soon.  She answered just as briefly, stating
the time she would be alone in her room and they could talk in private.  And
when that call came one sunny evening, Anna had decided how she would deal with
her sons.  She would be firm but gentle and hope they were mature enough to
one thing was certain, she refused to assassinate her husband’s character even
though he deserved it.  She was acutely aware that her boys loved their father
and regarded him highly.  His infidelities had been kept from them and Anna
didn’t think it her place to tell them unless it was absolutely necessary.
must ask your dad why I left,” she told her elder son.  “He knows the reason
why can’t you tell us?” asked Martyn.  As was the case on a mobile, he sounded
a long way away and Anna’s heart ached that he wasn’t in the room with her.
you don’t get a satisfactory answer from him then I’ll tell you.”
was a pause at the end of the line.  “You won’t be home when we get back?”
I won’t.  I’m so sorry, sweetheart.  I really wish I could be, but you’ll be
fine.  If you have any problems, your grandma is there to help and we’ll meet
up when you get your

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